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Sabbir Ahmmed
Sabbir Ahmmed

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'this' keyword in JavaScript simple explanation with call(), apply(), bind()


First write a simple code on your browser console ,
wow! You see a window object, right ?! but why?

For discussion, I divided this topic into 4 parts --

  • Implicit binding
  • Explicit binding
  • new binding
  • window binding

Implicit binding :

const student = {
    name: 'Sabbir',
    dept: "CSE",
    namePrint: function(){
        console.log(`My name is ${} Ahmmed`);

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from above code we can see that, we are printing name from object using ‘this’ keyword. ‘this’ actually reference a nearest object and that’s why here nearest object is student and inner this object namePrint is a property which is a function and print name of student. So, here ‘this’ holds properties of student


const student = {
    name: 'Sabbir',
    dept: "CSE",
    namePrint: function(){
        console.log(`My name is ${} Ahmmed`);
    student2: {
        name: 'Jubayer',
        dept: "EEE",
        deptPrint: function(){
            console.log(`Department name is ${this.dept}`);

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here, student2 is a property of student but student2 itself is an object. So, we know that ‘this’ holds nearest object. That’s why here ‘this.dept’ prints EEE not CSE.

Simple and bonus Tricks : look at your calling function deptPrint(), this function is calling using dot(.), before dot(.) you see an object ( student2 ) right ? Yes, for deptPrint function ‘this’ holds student2 properties ! nearest properties !

So, can you tell me which object actually reference for namePrint()’s ‘this’ ? comment please

Explicit binding : Call(), apply(), bind()

call() : call method is helper function of this. 'this' keyword by default reference a nearest object. But using call() method we can set that which object we can call for a function. call() can take parameter and 1st is an object and 2nd multiple parameter for function .
For example :, p1, p2, .... );

var printName = function(v1, v2, v3){
    console.log(`${} is ${v1}, ${v2} & ${v3}`);

var sabbir = {
    name: "Sabbir",
    dept: "CSE"

var v1 = 'good';
var v2 = 'boy';
var v3 = 'in the class';, v1, v2, v3);
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apply(): Same as call() but call() can take parameter individually, On the other hand apply() can take array as a parameter. For example :
const p = [p1, p2, p3,...]
functionName.apply(objectName, p );

var v1 = 'good';
var v2 = 'boy';
var v3 = 'in the class';
const v = [v1, v2, v3]

printName.apply(sabbir, v);
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bind(): Same as call() but doesn't call immediately. It stores values in a variable. After that, we have to call that variable as a function. For example :
const newFunc = printName.bind(sabbir, v1, v2, v3);

var printName = function(v1, v2, v3){
    console.log(`${} is ${v1}, ${v2} & ${v3}`);

var sabbir = {
    name: "Sabbir",
    dept: "CSE"

var v1 = 'good';
var v2 = 'boy';
var v3 = 'in the class';

const newFunc = printName.bind(sabbir, v1, v2, v3);

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new binding :

function Student(name, dept){
    // let this = Object.create(null); = name;
    this.dept = dept;
    console.log(`${} is now ${this.dept} student.`);

    // return this

const sabbir = new Student('Sabbir', 'CSE');
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'new' keyword creates an object and ‘this’ keyword just reference that object’s properties. So, ‘this’ actually holds new Student’s properties.

window binding:

At the beginning , we print ‘this’ keyword that we found a window object. Because, I already told you that ‘this’ actually points to the nearest object, right? so, when ‘this’ does not find any of our custom-defined objects, it points to window object for browser and global object for Nodejs. Because we know that by default every browser has a window object.

Bonus Tricks :

  • If you confuse about the reference of ‘this’, just do console.log(this) and find out its object.
  • You may use “use strict” to the beginning of a script or a function.

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