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Sahil kashyap
Sahil kashyap

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Turf.js to php

Problem: Turfjs works well for client-side but I wanted to use it in server-side
Recently I had to check if a point lies inside of the polygon.

I was using spatial data in mysql. Mysql provides way(ST_Contains and some other ways) to check if a point lies in a polygon. But unfortunately it was not scanning all the rows.

I found turf.js was able to do this properly:
Here's I have used this with mapbox:

var point = turf.point([lon, lat]);
const PointwithinFeatureCollection = (point) => {
    var ptsWithin, found = false;
    var zip = false;
    turf.featureEach(data, function (currentFeature, featureIndex) {

        var geom = turf.getType(currentFeature)
        console.log('geom', geom);
        if (geom == 'MultiPolygon') {

            let coordinates = turf.multiPolygon(currentFeature.geometry.coordinates);

            ptsWithin = turf.booleanPointInPolygon(point, coordinates);
            console.log("Found in Multipolygon: : ", ptsWithin);
            if (ptsWithin) {
                zip =;

        } else if (geom == 'Polygon') {
            let coordinates = turf.polygon(currentFeature.geometry.coordinates);
            found = turf.booleanPointInPolygon(point, coordinates);
            console.log('found', found);
            if (found) {
                zip =;
    if (zip === false) {
        return {
            "success": false,
            "message": "Not within zipcode boundary",
            "response_code": 403
    } else {
        return {
            "success": true,
            "data": zip,
            "message": zip + " Zipcode is allowed.",
            "response_code": 200



namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Zipcode;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class TurfController extends Controller
* Wraps a GeoJSON {@link Geometry} in a GeoJSON {@link Feature}.
* @name feature
* @param {Geometry} geometry input geometry
* @param {Object} properties properties
* @returns {FeatureCollection} a FeatureCollection of input features
* @example
* var geometry = {
* "type": "Point",
* "coordinates": [
* 67.5,
* 32.84267363195431
* ]
* }
* var feature = turf.feature(geometry);
* //=feature
function feature( $geometry, $properties ) {
return [
'type' => 'Feature',
'properties' => $properties || [],
'geometry' => $geometry
* Takes coordinates and properties (optional) and returns a new {@link Point} feature.
* @name point
* @param {number[]} coordinates longitude, latitude position (each in decimal degrees)
* @param {Object=} properties an Object that is used as the {@link Feature}'s
* properties
* @returns {Feature<Point>} a Point feature
* @example
* var pt1 = turf.point([-75.343, 39.984]);
* //=pt1
function point( $coordinates, $properties ) {
if ( !is_array( $coordinates ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Coordinates must be an array' ); }
if ( count( $coordinates ) < 2 ) { throw new \Exception( 'Coordinates must be at least 2 numbers long' ); }
return $this->feature( [
'type' => 'Point',
'coordinates' => array_slice( $coordinates, 0 )
], $properties
public function index(Request $request)
$LAT= $request['latitude'];
$LON = $request['longitude'];
$point = $this->point([$LON, $LAT],'');
$data = $this->data();
// $point = $this->featureEach($data,);
return response()->json($answer, 403);
return response()->json($answer, 200);}
* Callback for featureEach
* @callback featureEachCallback
* @param {Feature<any>} currentFeature The current Feature being processed.
* @param {number} featureIndex The current index of the Feature being processed.
* Iterate over features in any GeoJSON object, similar to
* Array.forEach.
* @name featureEach
* @param {FeatureCollection|Feature|Geometry} geojson any GeoJSON object
* @param {Function} callback a method that takes (currentFeature, featureIndex)
* @example
* var features = turf.featureCollection([
* turf.point([26, 37], {foo: 'bar'}),
* turf.point([36, 53], {hello: 'world'})
* ]);
* turf.featureEach(features, function (currentFeature, featureIndex) {
* //=currentFeature
* //=featureIndex
* });
function featureEach( $geojson, $callback ) {
if ( $geojson['type'] === 'Feature' ) {
$callback( $geojson, 0 );
} elseif ( $geojson['type'] === 'FeatureCollection' ) {
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $geojson['features'] ); $i++ ) {
$callback( $geojson['features'][ $i ], $i );
function data(){
$data = Zipcode::select('zipcodes.*',DB::raw("ST_AsGeoJSON(map.`SHAPE`) shape"))->where('zipcodes.status',1)->join('map', 'zipcodes.zipcode', '=', 'map.zcta5ce10')->get();
# Build GeoJSON feature collection array
$geojson = array(
'type' => 'FeatureCollection',
// 'crs' => htmlspecialchars(json_encode($crs), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'),
'features' => array()
$response = [
'success' => false,
'data' => $data,
'message'=>'No zipcode is allowed',
return response()->json($response, 200);
foreach($data as $fieldnam) {
$properties = array(
'color'=> 'red',
'title' => $fieldnam['zipcode']
$feature = array(
'type' => 'Feature',
'properties' => $properties,
'geometry' => $fieldnam->shape,
array_push($geojson['features'], $feature);
return $geojson;
function PointwithinFeatureCollection($point){
$mydata = $this->data();
global $zip;
$ptsWithin = null; $found = false; $zip='';
$this->featureEach( $mydata, function ( $currentFeature, $featureIndex ) use ( &$turf, $point,$zip,$ptsWithin) {
global $zip;
$geom = $this->getType( $currentFeature,'' );
if ( $geom == 'MultiPolygon' ) {
$multiPolygon = $this->multiPolygon( $currentFeature['geometry']['coordinates'],'' );
$ptsWithin = $this->booleanPointInPolygon( $point, $multiPolygon );
if ( $ptsWithin===true ) {
$zip = $currentFeature['properties']['title'];
} else if ( $geom == 'Polygon' ) {
$polygon = $this->polygon( $currentFeature['geometry']['coordinates'],'','' );
$found = $this->booleanPointInPolygon( $point, $polygon );
if ( $found ===true) {
$zip = $currentFeature['properties']['title'];
if (empty ( $zip ) ) {
return [
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Not within zipcode boundary',
'response_code' => 403
} else {
return [
'success' => true,
'data' => $zip,
'message' => $zip . ' Zipcode is allowed.',
'response_code' => 200
* Get GeoJSON object's type, Geometry type is prioritize.
* @param {GeoJSON} geojson GeoJSON object
* @param {string} [name="geojson"] name of the variable to display in error message
* @returns {string} GeoJSON type
* @example
* var point = {
* "type": "Feature",
* "properties": {},
* "geometry": {
* "type": "Point",
* "coordinates": [110, 40]
* }
* }
* var geom = turf.getType(point)
* //="Point"
function getType( $geojson, $name ) {
if ( $geojson['type'] === 'FeatureCollection' ) {
return 'FeatureCollection';
if ( $geojson['type'] === 'GeometryCollection' ) {
return 'GeometryCollection';
if ( $geojson['type'] === 'Feature' && $geojson['geometry'] !== null ) {
return $geojson['geometry']['type'];
return $geojson['type'];
* Creates a {@link Feature<MultiPolygon>} based on a
* coordinate array. Properties can be added optionally.
* @name multiPolygon
* @param {Array<Array<Array<Array<number>>>>} coordinates an array of Polygons
* @param {Object=} properties an Object of key-value pairs to add as properties
* @returns {Feature<MultiPolygon>} a multipolygon feature
* @throws {\Exception} if no coordinates are passed
* @example
* var multiPoly = turf.multiPolygon([[[[0,0],[0,10],[10,10],[10,0],[0,0]]]);
* //=multiPoly
function multiPolygon( $coordinates, $properties ) {
if ( !$coordinates ) {
throw new \Exception( 'No coordinates passed' );
return $this->feature( [
'type' => 'MultiPolygon',
'coordinates' => $coordinates
], $properties
* Creates a {@link Polygon} {@link Feature} from an Array of LinearRings.
* @name polygon
* @param {Array<Array<Array<number>>>} coordinates an array of LinearRings
* @param {Object} [properties={}] an Object of key-value pairs to add as properties
* @param {Object} [options={}] Optional Parameters
* @param {Array<number>} [options.bbox] Bounding Box Array [west, south, east, north] associated with the Feature
* @param {string|number} [] Identifier associated with the Feature
* @returns {Feature<Polygon>} Polygon Feature
* @example
* var polygon = turf.polygon([[[-5, 52], [-4, 56], [-2, 51], [-7, 54], [-5, 52]]], { name: 'poly1' });
* //=polygon
function polygon( $coordinates, $properties, $options ) {
if ( !$coordinates ) { throw new \Exception( 'coordinates is required' ); }
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $coordinates ); $i++ ) {
$ring = $coordinates[ $i ];
if ( count( $ring ) < 4 ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Each LinearRing of a Polygon must have 4 or more Positions.' );
for ( $j = 0; $j < count( $ring[ count( $ring ) - 1 ] ); $j++ ) {
// Check if first point of Polygon contains two numbers
if ( $i === 0 && $j === 0 && !$this->isNumber( $ring[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) || !$this->isNumber( $ring[ 0 ][ 1 ] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'coordinates must contain numbers' ); }
if ( $ring[ count( $ring ) - 1 ][ $j ] !== $ring[ 0 ][ $j ] ) {
throw new \Exception( 'First and last Position are not equivalent.' );
return $this->feature( [
'type' => 'Polygon',
'coordinates' => $coordinates
], $properties, $options
function isNumber( $num ) {
return is_numeric($num) && !is_nan(floatval($num));
* Takes a {@link Point} and a {@link Polygon} or {@link MultiPolygon} and determines if the point resides inside the polygon. The polygon can
* be convex or concave. The function accounts for holes.
* @name booleanPointInPolygon
* @param {Coord} point input point
* @param {Feature<Polygon|MultiPolygon>} polygon input polygon or multipolygon
* @param {Object} [options={}] Optional parameters
* @param {boolean} [options.ignoreBoundary=false] True if polygon boundary should be ignored when determining if the point is inside the polygon otherwise false.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the Point is inside the Polygon; `false` if the Point is not inside the Polygon
* @example
* var pt = turf.point([-77, 44]);
* var poly = turf.polygon([[
* [-81, 41],
* [-81, 47],
* [-72, 47],
* [-72, 41],
* [-81, 41]
* ]]);
* turf.booleanPointInPolygon(pt, poly);
* //= true
function booleanPointInPolygon( $point, $polygon ) {
// Optional parameters
// $options = $options || [];
// if ( gettype( $options ) !== 'object' ) { throw new \Exception( 'options is invalid' ); }
$ignoreBoundary = true;
// validation
if ( !$point ) { throw new \Exception( 'point is required' ); }
if ( !$polygon ) { throw new \Exception( 'polygon is required' ); }
// echo "from booleanpointInpolygon";
// print_r($point);
$pt = $this->getCoord( $point );
$polys = $this->getCoords( $polygon );
$type = ( $polygon['geometry'] ) ? $polygon['geometry']['type'] : $polygon['type'];
if(array_key_exists('bbox', $polygon)) {
$bbox = $polygon['bbox'];
// Quick elimination if point is not inside bbox
if ( $bbox && inBBox( $pt, $bbox ) === false ) { return false; }
// normalize to multipolygon
if ( $type === 'Polygon' ) { $polys = [ $polys ]; }
for ( $i = 0, $insidePoly = false; $i < count( $polys ) && !$insidePoly; $i++ ) {
// check if it is in the outer ring first
if ( $this->inRing( $pt, $polys[ $i ][ 0 ], $ignoreBoundary ) ) {
$inHole = false;
$k = 1;
// check for the point in any of the holes
while ( $k < count( $polys[ $i ] ) && !$inHole ) {
if ( $this->inRing( $pt, $polys[ $i ][ $k ], !$ignoreBoundary ) ) {
$inHole = true;
if ( !$inHole ) { $insidePoly = true; }
return $insidePoly;
* Unwrap a coordinate from a Point Feature, Geometry or a single coordinate.
* @name getCoord
* @param {Array<number>|Geometry<Point>|Feature<Point>} obj Object
* @returns {Array<number>} coordinates
* @example
* var pt = turf.point([10, 10]);
* var coord = turf.getCoord(pt);
* //= [10, 10]
function getCoord( $obj ) {
if ( !$obj ) { throw new \Exception( 'obj is required' ); }
$coordinates = $this->getCoords( $obj );
// getCoord() must contain at least two numbers (Point)
if ( count( $coordinates ) > 1 && $this->isNumber( $coordinates[ 0 ] ) && $this->isNumber( $coordinates[ 1 ] ) ) {
return $coordinates;
} else {
throw new \Exception( 'Coordinate is not a valid Point' );
* Unwrap coordinates from a Feature, Geometry Object or an Array of numbers
* @name getCoords
* @param {Array<number>|Geometry|Feature} obj Object
* @returns {Array<number>} coordinates
* @example
* var poly = turf.polygon([[[119.32, -8.7], [119.55, -8.69], [119.51, -8.54], [119.32, -8.7]]]);
* var coord = turf.getCoords(poly);
* //= [[[119.32, -8.7], [119.55, -8.69], [119.51, -8.54], [119.32, -8.7]]]
function getCoords( $obj ) {
if ( !$obj ) { throw new \Exception( 'obj is required' ); }
$coordinates = null;
if ( $obj['geometry'] && $obj['geometry']['coordinates'] ) {
$coordinates = $obj['geometry']['coordinates'];
// Checks if coordinates contains a number
if ( $coordinates ) {
$this->containsNumber( $coordinates );
return $coordinates;
throw new \Exception( 'No valid coordinates' );
* Checks if coordinates contains a number
* @name containsNumber
* @param {Array<any>} coordinates GeoJSON Coordinates
* @returns {boolean} true if Array contains a number
function containsNumber( $coordinates ) {
if ( count( $coordinates ) > 1 && $this->isNumber( $coordinates[ 0 ] ) && $this->isNumber( $coordinates[ 1 ] ) ) {
return true;
if ( is_array( $coordinates[ 0 ] ) && count( $coordinates[ 0 ] ) ) {
return $this->containsNumber( $coordinates[ 0 ] );
throw new \Exception( 'coordinates must only contain numbers' );
function getGeom( $geojson ) {
if ( $geojson['type'] === 'Feature' ) {
return $geojson['geometry'];
return $geojson;
* inBBox
* @private
* @param {Position} pt point [x,y]
* @param {BBox} bbox BBox [west, south, east, north]
* @returns {boolean} true/false if point is inside BBox
function inBBox( $pt, $bbox ) {
return $bbox[ 0 ] <= $pt[ 0 ]
&& $bbox[ 1 ] <= $pt[ 1 ]
&& $bbox[ 2 ] >= $pt[ 0 ]
&& $bbox[ 3 ] >= $pt[ 1 ];
* inRing
* @private
* @param {Array<number>} pt [x,y]
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} ring [[x,y], [x,y],..]
* @param {boolean} ignoreBoundary ignoreBoundary
* @returns {boolean} inRing
function inRing( $pt, $ring, $ignoreBoundary ) {
$isInside = false;
if ( $ring[ 0 ][ 0 ] === $ring[ count( $ring ) - 1 ][ 0 ] && $ring[ 0 ][ 1 ] === $ring[ count( $ring ) - 1 ][ 1 ] ) {
$ring = array_slice( $ring, 0, count( $ring ) - 1/*CHECK THIS*/ );
for ( $i = 0, $j = count( $ring ) - 1; $i < count( $ring ); $j = $i++ ) {
$xi = $ring[ $i ][ 0 ];
$yi = $ring[ $i ][ 1 ];
$xj = $ring[ $j ][ 0 ];
$yj = $ring[ $j ][ 1 ];
$onBoundary = ( $pt[ 1 ] * ( $xi - $xj ) + $yi * ( $xj - $pt[ 0 ] ) + $yj * ( $pt[ 0 ] - $xi ) === 0 )
&& ( ( $xi - $pt[ 0 ] ) * ( $xj - $pt[ 0 ] ) <= 0 ) && ( ( $yi - $pt[ 1 ] ) * ( $yj - $pt[ 1 ] ) <= 0 );
if ( $onBoundary ) {
return !$ignoreBoundary;
$intersect = ( ( $yi > $pt[ 1 ] ) !== ( $yj > $pt[ 1 ] ) )
&& ( $pt[ 0 ] < ( $xj - $xi ) * ( $pt[ 1 ] - $yi ) / ( $yj - $yi ) + $xi );
if ( $intersect ) {
$isInside = !$isInside;
return $isInside;

Here's what I did to convert this code in php:-

1)I manually wrote all the turf function I was using.

2) Extracted those methods from the js file and wrote them in seperate js file. eg: point ,getType,featureEach,multiPolygon,polygon,booleanPointInPolygon I found these function is turf/helper,turf/invariant,turf/meta

  1. I used "npm install -g javascript-to-php" and then this js2php myfile.js > myfile.php

Note:You will have to manually edit some generated code and If you try to convert whole turf index.js sometimes it generates error

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