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Complete Web Development Roadmap.

Saif Ullah Usmani on May 30, 2021

Hi, my name is Saifullah Usmani. I am a Full Stack Python Web Developer. I have been into programming since 2017. Why do you need a road...
cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

Sooooo many stacks and not enough time.

Currently use Svelte, go and mongo wrapped up in a docker container.

Exploring flutter, go and mongo. The idea of write once, then build out to any one of the major platforms ( to include the web) I find interesting and possibly very useful.

saifullahusmani profile image
Saif Ullah Usmani

I also find Svelte very usefull I have plan to learn it in august.
Use of svelte, go and mongo wrapped up in a docker container seems good.
It's great that you shared your stack with us. Flutter is great.
The idea of write once, then build out to any one of the major platforms ( to include the web) I also find it very interesting and useful.
Thanks for the feedback Charlie J Smotherman.

pkwieci1 profile image

What about the Typescript + ASP.NET Core + Nginx + Linux + PostgreSQL stack? It's what I find myself currently in and I'd highly recommend it, but it'd be nice to hear others' opinions 😀

saifullahusmani profile image
Saif Ullah Usmani

@pkwieci1 It is really great that you shared your tech stack it will allow people to discover more possibilities. Thanks for sharing your stack too.
C# is definitely growing rapidly and is definitely an option. And Typescript is growing and has been picken up by the tech industries so it is a good combination.
I liked your stack. After a bit more research on that I will surely add content about it in this blog post. Thanks pkwieci1.

pkwieci1 profile image

You're welcome, glad to hear that it helped you! Have a nice day 😊

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saifullahusmani profile image
Saif Ullah Usmani


gmarokov profile image
Georgi Marokov • Edited

Nice article, thanks! But I don't think any of these paths have a finish line, because once you stop learning, you start becoming obsolete.

saifullahusmani profile image
Saif Ullah Usmani

@gmarokov Thanks. Yeah you are right Georgi Marokov. Tech is evolving not yearly not monthly not weekly but daily. The technology we learn today will be obsolete or decrease it's popularity in the coming decade or 5 years. Being programmer means that you commit to learn everyday.
By the way Thanks for the feedback, it really means a lot.

thecodealchemist profile image
Nyasha Chiroro

I think FastAPI is a good option for async python frameworks

saifullahusmani profile image
Saif Ullah Usmani

@thecodealchemist You are right Nyasha Chiroro. FastAPI is indeed a good option for asynchronous python.
Thanks for the feedback.

talha_khan74 profile image
Talha Shinwari

How and where we can use C++ for back-end development?

saifullahusmani profile image
Saif Ullah Usmani

I will cover that in my post in couple of days after good amount of research.