"Rome wasn't built in a day"
You probably know this quote and its meaning, which is, "Great things take time".
The same goes to building an amazing lifestyle or being a great Techie ð
It's all about the game of "patience".
If you play it right, you'll become successful, if you try to cheat, you'll fail in the process.
The #1 reason you fail in building a habit, is because you don't try to build habits, but you try to build a lifestyle.
Habit â Good Lifestyle
Habits compounded = Good Lifestyle
You can't build an amazing lifestyle, without building great habits.
To build great habits, you need to be patient and build ONE at a time.
I've tried it both ways, and I've failed horribly.
I've tried building 10 habits at once and building 1 habit at a time and I've noticed the second is more effective.
I'll explain.
Think about the reason why you never succeed with your new year's resolutions?
You don't have patience.
You expect results fast.
When you start to build too many habits all at the same time, you overwhelm yourself with all these new things and when the excitement wears off, you slip out of it.
Because it's not fun anymore, you feel bored, you get disappointed because your lifestyle didn't change in a week or month.
When you focus on building one habit at a time, you donât feel overwhelmed but you feel obliged to do it on a daily basis.
You can focus on building one habit for 21 days and then it becomes a daily ritual, after that you can start working on building another habit, and so on.
If you follow this â You will have successfully have built 17 new habits in 1 year.
Doesn't that sound crazy? ð€¯
It only takes 21 days to build a habit.
So take it one step at a time, build a habit, then another, and another, compounding towards building that amazing lifestyle you want.
If I get good comments, I'll show you how to take actionable steps towards building great habits as a developer and how I track my habits and stick to them.
Disclaimer: this are all personal view that work for me if if doesn't work for you maybe build yours.
Drop by drop is the water pot filled. -Buddha
Top comments (3)
Thanks for sharing. I've been trying to improve myself by building a habit. I realized I expected a fast result. So what I did was break down my goals into short-term goals. This way, I can feel the achievements I made. Even if it's only tiny achievements, I got more motivated to do the next one. I'm doing this with the help of a task management tool called Quire.
On top of that, I also like to write a journal on the weekend to reflect on my progress. And I use Notion to do it.
Hey, great article! I would love to read another one from you! :)
Thanks would be writing on health subsequently expect it soon