What is react-loader-spinner?
provides simple React SVG spinner component which can be implemented for async await operation before data loads to the view.
How to use react-loader-spinner.
You can install the library using your favorite dependency manager.
Using yarn:
yarn add react-loader-spinner
Using npm:
npm install react-loader-spinner --save
Here are some examples of code on how to use react-loader-spinner
in your react application.
Firstly, Import required css. Import the css to main app.js
Code sample:
import "react-loader-spinner/dist/loader/css/react-spinner-loader.css";
import { Audio } from 'react-loader-spinner'
Note: If webpack throws issue with css. (For older version of this package). Change webpack config as: test: /\.scss$/ to test: /\.s?css$/
The newer version just import css file from node modules to app.js
Types of react-loader-spinner and implementations
Audio here is the implementation sample:
<Audio color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
BallTriangle here is the implementation code sample:
<BallTriangle color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
Bars here is the implementation code sample:
<Bars color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
Circles here is the implementation code sample:
<Circles color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80}/>
Grid here is the implementation code sample:
<Grid color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
Hearts here is the implementation code sample:
<Hearts color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
Oval here is the implementation code sample:
<Oval color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
Puff here is the implementation code sample:
<Puff color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
Rings here is the implementation code sample:
<Rings color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
TailSpin here is the implementation code sample:
<TailSpin color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
ThreeDots here is the implementation code sample:
<ThreeDots color="#00BFFF" height={80} width={80} />
Note: Rings spinner is not supported in Safari.
Thanks for reading...
Happy Coding!
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