James Simone is a Lead Software Engineer here at Salesforce. One of his great passions in life is open-source software. That is exactly what we will be talking about today.
James was inspired to get into open-source software to help people share code in a more easily indexable, searchable format. This is even what led him to work here at Salesforce. In this episode, James teaches us how we can use open-source software, how to get into it, and some of the projects that he likes.
Show Highlights:
- How James came to work for Salesforce.
- What extreme programming is and where it came from.
- Why enterprises should support open-source software.
- How second-generation packaging affected Salesforce projects.
- How to navigate licensing and fair use when working with open-source software.
- All about Nebula Logger and the logging problem it solves.
- What Apex Rollup is.
- How to get involved in Nebula Logger and/or Apex Rollup.
- James on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrwordsmith
- James on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrwordsmith/
- James on Github: https://github.com/jamessimone
- Joys Of Apex: https://jamessimone.net/blog/joys-of-apex/