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samantha hayes
samantha hayes

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Why Choose Laravel for Web Development?

If you’re in the process of build your website and are wondering what is the best framework to use, then this is a quick guide on why you should choose Laravel for web development.

Over 1.1 million websites worldwide are built using Laravel (Builtwith, 2019) and this number is continuously growing every day.

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Before we go into the benefits of using Laravel, you should know that Laravel isn’t the only PHP framework out there. In fact you could use CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Zend Framework and so on. However, Laravel is definitely one of the most popular PHP frameworks to use – take a look at its interest overtime (as suggested by Google Trends):

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Laravel is one of the only PHP frameworks whose interest has gone up in the past 5 years, making it a popular choice for many website developers and businesses around the world.

Benefits of Laravel Framework

Now, you must be wondering why your next website should be built in Laravel and what are the advantages of Laravel framework over others? To get you started, here are 8 reasons why we suggest you should consider Laravel for your next project:

t’s quick and simple
Being the number one PHP framework, means that Laravel is already a framework with which most web developers are familiar with; not to mention the range of built-in templates which makes development simpler and easier for developers. This means an expert Laravel developer could even build a 5 or 6 page website in a day or two. A fast development time means lower costs and quicker results for the business.

Security is key
Security is the number one concern for most businesses. With Laravel, advanced security features are easy to configure on most websites to enhance security and protect sites from hackers and cyber criminals. To get a little technical, Laravel uses a Bcrypt hashing algorithm which means it never saves any passwords in the database. Comparing it to other PHP frameworks, Laravel also has great user authentication and restricted access features are easy to create. This keeps you and your customer’s data safe and secure.

Better website performance
Unlike many other frameworks out there, Laravel supports caching for your website out-of-the-box which is great for boosting your site speed. To further enhance your website’s performance, Laravel makes other speed optimisation techniques, such as memory use reduction and database indexing really easy to implement. This makes Laravel an excellent choice for your business if site speed and SEO friendliness are some of your requirements.

Great for Traffic-Handling
As your business grows, so will the volume of traffic to your site. A website built in Laravel can handle website requests much quicker than most other frameworks. Laravel uses a unique message queue system, which means you can put-off certain website tasks such as sending emails until a later time. Being able to control time-consuming tasks means your website can process tasks quicker. And this not only keeps your website’s server healthy, but can also lower your hosting costs in the long-term.

Really Flexible
Laravel has the power to build a fully-fledged eCommerce site or a simple and professional B2B site. Due to its extensive pre-installed authorization libraries, it has the ability to create and support a variety of advanced features for your site, such as password reset and encryption. There are also a ton of third-party packages available to give your website a range of features and functionalities, such as Socialite which enables users to sign into your site using their social media profiles should you wish to integrate that option.

Easy third-party integrations
Almost every site needs to be integrated with a third-party application of some sort. This may include a payment system like Stripe or Paypal, or a marketing tool that your company uses. Whatever the integration, Laravel makes integrating third-party apps easy with its clean APIs for integration. So whether your website needs a payment system in place or an automated tool to manage your marketing, Laravel is a strong contender.

Simple Website Maintenance
Generally speaking websites built in Laravel are easy to maintain overtime. So let’s imagine, a few years down the line you want some new features added to your site (already built in Laravel), a new developer can easily pick up from where your previous developers have left the site. Due to Laravel’s standout features, like clean code, MVC architecture (which separates logic and presentation), and OOP principles, maintaining a Laravel site over time is very straight forward.

The cost of a Laravel Site
Compared to some frameworks out there, Laravel is a open-source framework. This means it is free to use in any project you like at no cost at all. Of course there is always the cost of hiring a good laravel developer to build your site (especially if you know very little about coding). Development costs are further reduced as the time to build and maintain is less than some competing frameworks, allowing a Laravel project to be more cost effective in the long run.

Laravel Development in 2024 and Coming Years

The Laravel PHP framework can offer compelling methods for defining routes. It automatically loads all the routes implemented in the PHP file as app/HTTP/routes, making the process faster.

The in-built library of Laravel offers support for a distinction of influential log handlers. Using cloud-based services, it becomes easy to send emails without wasting time using SparPost, Amazon SES, and Mandril.

Routing services that compensate for laravel app development make the maintenance and deployment look natural. Laravel makes testing easier to encourage users’ behaviors by using various outputs on the application.

Laravel’s out-of-the-box introduces a new method, Gate:: inspect, that makes it easier to provide custom messages during the authorization request process if declined.

Though various reasons prove the importance of Laravel app development 2024, there are multiple ways for grabbing relational databases.

Here are some great features which will help you decide why use Laravel as the PHP framework prevalent in the developer community:

Inversion of IoC is one of the most practical features of the Laravel framework.
Laravel allows you to build authentic application features required to activate full-fledged authentication modules.
Laravel cache helps retrieve user-related data quickly from all the view routes.
Laravel routing can create websites that are search-engine friendly.
Laravel offers various modules that help you smoothly create complex and large applications.
Artisan features of Laravel allow you to run iterative tasks.
You can develop highly secured web applications using Laravel.

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