In python programming we get three types of errors. they are
1.Compile Time Error
2.Logical Error
3.Run Time Error
Let us discuss in briefly:
*Compile Time Error: *
These errors are occurs during compilation Time. and these errors occurs due to the syntax's are not followed during program Development.
- These errors are solved by programmers During Development Time.
Logical Error:
These errors occurs during runtime or execution time. and these errors occurs due to wrong representation of Logic.
- These errors are solved by programmers during Development Time.
Run Time Error:
These errors are occurs during Runtime or execution time. and these errors occurs due to wrong inputs or invalid inputs entered by end users or application users.
When Runtime errors occurs, by default all the languages gives Technical error messages, which are understandable by programmers but not by end users. this is not a recommended process in real time.
According to industry standards it is recommended to display always user friendly error messages for making the application robust by using exception handling.
When the end-user enter the valid input to the project it gives valid result. and when the end-user enter the invalid input to the project then the project displays user-friendly error message by using exception handling.
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