
Abd Sani
Abd Sani

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My experience in writing a REST service using Typescript + Express

Hello there! This is actually my second time writing this post because apparently clicking the HELP button will open the Help page without saving your entry. That's a valuable lesson to learn. I should try and see if I can make a PR to fix this.

I'm here to share my experience as a .NET WebApi developer trying to write a REST service using TypeScript + Express. Here we go!

So let's start with creating a github repo for this:

Then, lets setup our app by running npm init.

npm init
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I have no idea how to test on typescript yet, so let's ignore that for now. I have no idea what is ISC license, so let's just go with that for now(let's hope it doesn't include a clause that sells my soul to the devil).

What's next? I want to use TypeScript so let's install that.

npm install typescript
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I also know that I want to use Express. So let's install that too.

npm install express
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Now we have TypeScript and Express installed in the project. What should we do next?

Okay, for starters, I don't know how Express works. Let me google for a bit how to use express.

After googling..

Okay, I read about how Express works.[] But this is using javascript. I want to write TypeScript.

Huh, I don't know TypeScript.

Let's Google that.

Okay, after reading this [] I think I've got the hang of TypeScript.

So TypeScript in nutshell:

  1. I need to write in .ts files and it needs to be converted to .js files to run.
  2. I can call the tsc command line when I want to transpile my code from typescript to javascript.
  3. I need to have a tsconfig.json file in my project to tell typescript how to convert my typescript files to javascript.

Let's sort out step 2. I'm going to create a build script in our project which calls tsc. How do I do that? Let's add this in our scripts part in package.json

"scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "build": "tsc"
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So when we call npm run build we will transpile the TypeScript to Javascript.

But we haven't told TypeScript which folder to get the TypeScript files. Let's do number 3 now. Let's create a tsconfig.json file. I'm going to use this tsconfig values from this tutorial[]

// tsconfig.json
    "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "commonjs",
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "pretty": true,
        "sourceMap": true,
        "target": "es6",
        "outDir": "./js", // Javascript files will be created in this directory. Include this folder in .gitignore to not add it to git.
        "baseUrl": "./src"
    "include": [
        "src/**/*.ts" // The ** means all files and folder in the src folder. People call it recursive. The *.ts means all files that end with .ts will be picked up.
    "exclude": [
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Ok now when we call tsc, TypeScript will convert all typescript files in the src folder to javascript files in the js folder.

Let's also add a start script to our package.json. I'm going to use my js/app.js as my main project file.

"scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "build": "tsc",
    "start": "node js/app.js"
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Apparently I also need to install @types/express to tell register the definitions for express in TypeScript(I think). Let's do that

npm install @types/express
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Okay, let's write our Express code in src/app.ts!

import express = require("express"); // We need to import the express package.

// 1) This is how set up our express app. Initialise an express instance.
const app = express();
app.set("port", 1337); // 2) We need to setup which port to listen to. I use 1337.

// 3) This registers the get endpoint with the / uri. req is the request we receive. res is what we are sending.
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.send("Hi")   // 4) Here we are sending the Hi message when we hit this endpoint.

// export our app
export default app; // 5) To let other files use this class, we need to export it.
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Okay, if I write it this way. We need to have a server.ts file as well. Let's change our package.json again to call server.js instead of app.js in our start script.

    // package.json scripts
    "start": "node js/server.js"
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Ok, let's write our server.ts file now! Looking into the example in [], this is what we are going to write:

// server.ts
import app from './app' // 1) We need to import the app class we created previously.

// 2) This creates the server which is listening to the port number we defined in the app class.
const server = app.listen(app.get("port"), () => {
        "App is running on http://localhost:%d in %s mode",
    ) // 3) We are going to put this in console so you can see that it is actually working.

export default server;
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Now that we have done this, let's build our app! Run this command in terminal.

npm run-script build
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You will see that javascript files are now generated in the js folder. Fancy eh? Let's start this app now.

npm run start
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You will see this in the console: App is running on http://localhost:1337 in development mode

Yay! We have our app running! Open the url in a browser and you will see Hi! This is what we wrote earlier in our app.ts

// app.ts
// We wrote this earlier!
// ...
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.send("Hi")   // 4) Here we are sending the Hi message when we hit this endpoint.
// ...
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Ok, now we have the app running, how do we stop it? I am not ashamed to admit that when I first started learning terminal commands, I didn't know how to stop this. But it's actually simple. Press ctrl + c. This will kill the process and your server will now stop.

Yay! We have a service that does nothing. At least not yet. In the next post we will implement endpoint routing using express router.

Thank you for reading!

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