In this article I make a case for renaming the feature git blame to a neutral equivalent (e.g. git author or git inspect). I argue that the use of ...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
I think this is a really interesting discussion, and you make some points that I've not considered before. Although I feel that Linus' comments detract from this discussion. Firstly, because your quotes are almost a decade old, and Linus' efforts to self-moderate his bad language has been well publicised. Secondly because, as you explain later, the term predates
. And finally, as you point out, Linus isn't even responsible for implementingblame
.Personally, I've never felt any negative emotions about
, although I often chuckle when I think to myself "Who the hell wrote this?" only toblame
and see that I wrote it last year!And when I read comments about how
exists so we know which co-worker to blame, all that person is saying to me is that they don't understand its purpose:The key here is: revision and author. It's also important to understand that the author is not necessarily human. It could be a merge commit, or an automated build commit. It could also be that the author isn't just one person - maybe it's the pilot in a programming pair, or a colleague sat down and wrote that line. Perhaps the commit is a squashed commit containing someone else's work.
My point is that we're less interested in "blaming" the author than the revision.
As for renaming it, I feel that
is adequate and accurate. Usingauthor
is insufficient because it doesn't accurately describe what it provides. Similarly, something likepraise
doesn't make sense to me. Mainly because we almost never look at the existing code of working implementations. And given the author might not be human it seems a bit strange to praise a machine.To give an example, my most common use for
is to identify when and where bugs were introduced:file
I suspect that unlucky line13
might be the cause of a bug.git blame file
again, checking for that revision:blame
those as well...At no point, am I blaming people, I'm blaming the code revision that's responsible for the error that's occurred.
For me, changing to something like
would be weird. Once I've isolated a bug to a revision, why would I then praise its contents?And for you, if you feel uncomfortable with
define an alias in your.gitconfig
to use whatever language you want:Then you can
git awesome file
instead. It's the great thing about being computer literate, you can define your own language to interact with your machine (-; my personal favourite isgit f*ckit
that I regularly use to nuke any changes when I accept that my entire approach is wrong ;-)Hey, thanks for your comment and for taking the time to write it. But, I have to ask: did you really read my article in full? I actually mention
git alias
as well as why it's not an adequate solution, pre-empting replies like yours, so I'm surprised to read your comment.In your reply, you also dismiss the entire section about how language subconsciously affects individuals. Your argument seems to be that because you understand
git blame
better than others and as a result don't feel negatively affected by it, the naming ofgit blame
is totally fine.Just because you personally don't feel affected, doesn't mean other people won't.
We clearly have different sensitivities when it comes to language, because I'd never winky smiley anyone the way you just winky smiley'd me - to me, it feels rude. It's okay that you don't, and I'm not offended, but it's important for you to be aware that just because you think certain language is cool, doesn't necessarily make it so for everyone. Becoming an inclusive industry means being aware of these cross-cultural and individual differences and accommodating the norm so as to cause the least amount of harm possible.
I am also concerned about the cumulative effect on an entire industry rather than just the impact on any one individual.
Fair point about my mentioning Linus' past behaviour. I felt his past behaviour illustrated the general mindset that led to the naming of
git blame
in the first place quite well. I hopefully make it clear enough that it wasn't directly responsible for it, and specifically link to an article about him having changed. I take your feedback on board though.You’re welcome, and I did read your article in full. Did you?
Given your post's topic, it seems ironic to call people rude or dicks... If you truly believe about stepping away from shame culture and towards openness and inclusivity, how about you start by not shaming people and instead moderating your own behaviour and language?
Git alias does solve a problem. The reason I mentioned it is because your pre-emptive supposition is wrong. If your problem is that you don’t want to write
git blame
defining an alias allows you to not type the word "blame".Similarly, this snippet solves your problem, if your problem is that you don't want to see the word "blame" on GitHub:
If you really feel this language is a problem for many people, you could use this as a basis for a browser extension so that other people can utilise it. If many people use it, GitHub might even take notice and implement this as a feature. Nobody is stopping you from doing this and it would certainly be a more productive use of your time than insulting individuals.
And if seeing the word is an issue for you in vscode, you’re entirely welcome to checkout the extension you’re using for blame and modify it to substitute another word.
This is the great thing about being a programmer: you see a problem and you have the tools to fix it.
I don’t dismiss the subconscious effects language has on individuals. Obviously it could be harmful to call [redacted] and [redacted] dicks because they expressed a different opinion to yours. It doesn't seem very genuine to tell your audience to be mindful of the language they use as it may cause negative psychological responses in others, then say something ageist like that is soooo two thousand and late.*
Similarly, calling someone rude for signing off their post with a positive emote in a reply to a post that signs off with a positive emote is hypocritical and discriminatory. I mean seriously! You'd never use an emote in a discussion? Clearly you didn't get to the end of your article!
Passing judgement on someone who, unlike you, doesn’t have access to an emoji keyboard with star eyes isn’t very inclusive or accommodating, and I wonder if you’d have a problem with an emote in a post whose contents affirm your opinion, or if it's just because emoticons are sooooo two thousand and late and you hate old people.... if you still think using emotes in textual communication on the internet is inappropriate, you should remove them from your article (bearing in mind that emotes are language too).
[edit] and reading your replies to other comments, it’s clear you are discriminating as you didn’t call out other posters who signed off with a wink emote, and you seem to think it’s okay if you emote at people… obviously your rules don’t apply to you, just the people who are different to you.
Comments on individuals and insults to strangers (like yours) make our industry less inclusive. I hardly think that [redacted] or [redacted] would feel very welcome or safe to contribute to this discussion after being called old dicks... and you have no hope of changing an industry when you can't even follow your own guidelines!
Your statements thus far show a clear lack of empathy for people who are different from you and I hardly think you'd do well in a cross-cultural, diverse team with your current outlook and behaviour. My only hope at this point in our interaction is that you at least see the irony of your public shaming of individuals with different perspectives in an article telling an industry to avoid shaming individuals. I hope you take some time to contemplate what you need to change in yourself to be the change you want to see in an industry.
I disagree with a lot here, and am hurt by your conclusions. You're making on the surface reasonable-sounding accusations that fall apart upon closer inspection, because your premises are false.
You continue to suggest my problem would be solved if I aliased
git blame
or programmatically removed the word blame from Github in my browser. This demonstrates I have either not been able to convey my point to you via the medium of my article, or that you're intentionally ignoring entire paragraphs.git blame
on any one individual is negligible but how it has an industry-wide cumulative effect. I never characterise this as my problem to begin with, which you disregard in all your replies.git alias
is not an adequate solution - it doesn't address that blame remains the default wording for an entire industry.git blame
. Equally, I stand by my choice to infuse the article with light-hearted humour in order to make the 15-min read more palatable. Blaming any one individual for the harmful convention would have indeed been hypocritical, but asking individuals not to be dicks going forward and indicating that a cultural shift has happened over the last 2 decades is not. Besides, the effects of language are weighted by the power dynamics it exists within. I'm hardly causing harm here in the same way a feature that affects millions and shapes our default is, or in the same way a leader with livelihoods depending on them would be.And so I can only assume you're intentionally trying to hurt me. I will leave your comments up but I am putting up boundaries and disengaging from any future discussion. You've made this personal by intentionally misconstruing or ignoring my perspective on a multitude of issues and whilst I'm appreciative of factual debates, I draw the line at people attacking me.
Removing the
command itself is a fairly small amount of work, the hard part is getting community buy-in and making the transition work. The largest issue is breaking the interface to existing scripting which usesblame
.While it's easy enough to restore that functionality for whoever needs it using
git alias
, doing so system-wide in many systems would still be a massive disruption.However! There's precedent in git already for admonishments when using deprecated, or to-be-deprecated functionality (like relying on default
behaviour). Perhaps a first step would be drafting language for and publishing a patch to provide a message when a user typesgit blame
, to suggest the alternativeannotate
(or introduced alternate) and frame the user's experience better?If C was in my language repertoire, I'd be patching away!
"The user discussion and development of Git take place on the Git mailing list -- everyone is welcome to post bug reports, feature requests, comments and patches to git@vger.kernel.org (read Documentation/SubmittingPatches for instructions on patch submission)."
Do you think a feature request or bug report is a good place to start?
I was also thinking that Github could play a role in this. All that would be required on their part is making a tiny UI change, which would help spur momentum. They're certainly branding themselves as a super inclusive company, so in theory they might be amenable?
I know GitLab has done this before, then reverted back to blame. This link has details and a very interesting discussion: gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/iss...
Patching git doesn't solve the problems. You also need to patch Github, Gitlab, VSCode Gitlens extension, Jetbrains IDE, and billion of softwares that use git-blame feature and contain word "blame". This is blasphemy to blame and I blame you for suggesting this 😃
Yes. I believe strongly that they should ALL change. I know it’s a long article but did you read the whole thing? Because I mention Github and extensions too.
GitLab actually patched blame previously but then reverted back to it...
I’m not sure if you’re joking or not about the last part - but if you disagree, I’ll just leave it at that! I’ve made a strong case in the article itself so if that didn’t convince you, my commenting won’t either. 😅
I'm just joking 😀
Well, you can just rewrite git from scratch in other system-level language while doing optimization and making it more intuitive without blaming others 😉
If you had read my article in full, then you’d know I am against blaming others and not actually drawing the conclusions you seem to think I am. I do, however, advocate for kindness, a thoughtful use of language, and moving away from the kind of humour you’re consistently showing in your replies.
Sorry for not answering your question. Asking your audience whatever they fully read your article or not is kinda insulting. It's like that you are assuming they don't have a capacity to read the whole article. And I'm sorry if the joke didn't fit and seems rude to you, it's not my intention. I'm just one of many developer whose bad with words that you can found everyday.
About gitoxide, the experiment started in 2009 (12 years ago, 4 years after Git released) where the author try to implement git-core in Go. At the same year, the author also write a Python wrapper for git. After 2 years, the rewrite started again but now in C++ to exercise advanced features of C++0x and use both STL and Boost libraries. Now the author maintain both gitPython (a Python wrapper of git) and gitoxide (a full Rust rewrite of git). Hope this pique your interest contributing to gitoxide while enriching Rust ecosystem. In case you just started to learn about Rust, check out cheats.rs
Hey, I totally agree - I feel like such a dick each time I suggest that! I really try to avoid it. I'm sorry I didn't in this case. But the reason I suggested you haven't read my article in full is because you implied I'm blaming an individual for the feature. When in fact, I try really hard not to! 🙂
Gitoxide sounds like an amazing project. But I have neither the time nor the skills or inclination to contribute to it. Moreover, it doesn't fix the problem I describe.
The point I'm trying to make here is that the current default is harmful. And the default is git (as well as github, gitlab, git extensions in IDEs etc), not gitoxide.
Quick metaphor to make sure we're on the same page: suggesting I go off and write a different source control tool is like saying to someone who sees corruption in their government and wants to fix it to go off and create their own government elsewhere, instead of advocating for less corruption within their own country. Hope this makes sense.
In any case, thanks for the discussion!
When I started learning Git (had previously used SVG and Mercurial a little bit) I was also surprised and a little chagrined to see the keyword blame. I was not bothered about it in terms where I hope no one blames me for anything. I screw up frequently (especially with code) and understand how to admit my mistakes and work to correct them (make amends/improve/ect.).
Although it didn't rise to the level of me refuse to use the tool, I was bothered more in that I didn't want to get in the mindset of blaming anyone for something as simple to do as coding errors. Otherwise, this stems from the context that I've studied anger management materials which spoke to the phenomenon of "victim anger" that can lead to feelings of distrust and at extremes, maybe even rage.
Breaking the habit of blaming is kind of at the cornerstone of that therapy.
Otherwise, thanks for writing this article! As mentioned, I've thought on this topic some and I found it funny and enlightening. I look forward to your next blog post!
We are engineers and in engineering getting emotional about words is inappropriate and counterproductive. We have bigger fish to fry. Also we are not blaming the person... we are blaming the commit. What you are trying to find is the commit and its context, not the person who wrote it. In most cases the person might long be gone anyways.