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Cover image for Midway Update for my MERN stack Chat App
Sathwik Gaddi
Sathwik Gaddi

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Midway Update for my MERN stack Chat App

Exciting progress update! πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Just hit the midway point in developing my MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) Stack-powered Chat App inspired from WhatsApp web. πŸš€πŸ”§

Utilizing tailwind CSS and daisy UI for styling the front

Implemented for real time updates.

🀝 Next Steps: Ready to tackle the remaining tasks, implementing more style components, updating some of the features and fine-tune the app for deployment.

🌐Eager to connect with fellow developers! Jump into this repo for collaborations. Give a star and share your insights, tips, or experiences with MERN stack development. Let's code together and elevate our projects to new heights. πŸš€πŸ’»

MERNStack #ChatApp #DeveloperJourney #CodeProgress #DevCommunity 🌟

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