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My First Week as a Web Development Student

My name is Saulo, and I'm here to share a little about my first week as an international student living in Canada, learning a new skill to make a change in my career.

I always had an inclination for the IT field. Since I was a kid, I loved creating game mods, tinkering with blogs, and building castles in The Sims. However, I never imagined that it could become a real job. When I told my mother that I was going to try to study something in the IT area, her older mindset thought that I would starve to death, so she made me choose to study Law.

After five years working with legal practices in my home country, I have decided to change my career and pursue becoming a Full Stack Web Developer. I have always had an interest in the I.T. field, and now I have gathered the courage to chase this dream in another country.

Even though I have no experience in the field, I'm willing to learn, and I hope to enjoy this new path, even though I'm aware of the challenges that are ahead of me. So far, as I'm watching the introduction classes, it seems that I made the right choice.

Everything looks interesting so far, and the people in college seem nice and welcoming. The building seems kind of old but cozy at the same time, it looks like a fine place to learn.

I hope that with this course, I can become a junior full-stack developer and embark on this whole new career. By doing so, I aim to grow even more, learning every day and becoming a valuable asset in the IT area.

Even though I am taking classes in a Java-based course, I don't want to be limited by that. I want to explore new programming languages and discover what's the right fit for my career.

I truly want to become a developer and, with that, find my place in this vast field. Eventually, I aim to establish my own way of writing code and, in turn, assist others in doing the same.

In the same vein, I don't want to rush into things, I want to find my pace and be kind to myself. I tend to be a little ruthless when evaluating my skills, and with that, I usually become my own worst critic. This time, I want to try to be nicer, as I am with others.

With that being said, I'm excited for this next chapter of my life and hope to fully enjoy this experience. I look forward to overcoming possible challenges and learning along the way from my mistakes. By the end of the year, I hope to say that I've become a junior full-stack developer at the beginning of this new career.

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