from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType, FloatType
def read_data(spark, customSchema):
Step 1: Define the S3 bucket and file location
bucket_name = " loan-data "
s3_input_path = f"s3://{bucket_name}/Inputfile/loan_data.csv"
Step 2: Read the CSV file into a DataFrame
df =, header=True, schema=customSchema)
Step 3: Return the DataFrame
return df
Clean Data
def clean_data(input_df):
Step 1: Drop rows with any null values
df_no_nulls = input_df.dropna()
Step 2: Remove duplicate rows
df_no_duplicates = df_no_nulls.dropDuplicates()
Step 3: Drop rows where the 'purpose' column contains the string 'null'
df_cleaned = df_no_duplicates.filter(df_no_duplicates["purpose"] != "null")
Return the cleaned DataFrame
return df_cleaned
def s3_load_data(data, file_name):
Saves the final DataFrame to an S3 bucket as a single CSV file with a header.
data (DataFrame): The output data of the result_1 and result_2 functions.
file_name (str): The name of the output file to be stored inside the S3 bucket.
Step 1: Mention the bucket name
bucket_name = "loan-data" # Replace with the unique bucket name if applicable
Step 2: Define the output path
output_path = "s3://" + bucket_name + "/output/" + file_name
Step 3: Check if the DataFrame has the expected row count
if data.count() != 0:
print("Loading the data to:", output_path)
# Write the DataFrame to S3 as a single partition CSV file
data.coalesce(1).write.csv(output_path, mode="overwrite", header=True)
print("Empty DataFrame, hence cannot save the data to:", output_path)
Result 1
from pyspark.sql.functions import when,col
def result_1(input_df):
Performs the following operations:
1. Filters rows where 'purpose' is either 'educational' or 'small business'.
2. Creates a new column 'income_to_installment_ratio' as the ratio of 'log annual inc' to 'installment'.
3. Creates a new column 'int_rate_category' based on 'int_rate' categorization:
- "low" if int_rate < 0.1
- "medium" if 0.1 <= int_rate < 0.15
- "high" if int_rate >= 0.15
4. Creates a new column 'high_risk_borrower' with value "1" if:
- dti > 20
- fico < 700
- revol_util > 80
Otherwise, sets it to "0".
input_df (DataFrame): The cleaned data DataFrame.
DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame with the new columns.
Step 1: Filter rows where 'purpose' is 'educational' or 'small business'
filtered_df = input_df.filter((col("purpose") == "educational") | (col("purpose") == "small business"))
Step 2: Add 'income_to_installment_ratio' column
with_income_ratio = filtered_df.withColumn(
"income_to_installment_ratio", col("log annual inc") / col("installment")
Step 3: Add 'int_rate_category' column
with_int_rate_category = with_income_ratio.withColumn(
when(col("int_rate") < 0.1, "low")
.when((col("int_rate") >= 0.1) & (col("int_rate") < 0.15), "medium")
Step 4: Add 'high_risk_borrower' column
final_df = with_int_rate_category.withColumn(
(col("dti") > 20) & (col("fico") < 700) & (col("revol_util") > 80),
Return the final DataFrame
return final_df
Result 2
from pyspark.sql import *
def result_2(input_df):
Calculates the default rate for each purpose. The default rate is defined as:
- The count of loans that are not fully paid (not_fully_paid == 1) divided by the total count of loans for each purpose.
input_df (DataFrame): The cleaned data DataFrame.
DataFrame: The DataFrame with purpose and default_rate columns.
Step 1: Calculate the total number of loans and number of not fully paid loans for each purpose
total_loans = input_df.groupBy("purpose").count().withColumnRenamed("count", "total_loans")
not_fully_paid_loans = input_df.filter(col("not_fully_paid") == 1).groupBy("purpose").count().withColumnRenamed("count", "not_fully_paid")
Step 2: Join the two DataFrames to get total loans and not fully paid loans in the same table
result_df = total_loans.join(not_fully_paid_loans, on="purpose", how="left_outer").fillna(0)
Step 3: Calculate the default rate as the ratio of not fully paid loans to total loans
result_df = result_df.withColumn(
round(result_df["not_fully_paid"] / result_df["total_loans"], 2)
Step 4: Select the desired columns and return the DataFrame
final_df ="purpose", "default_rate")
return final_df
Redshift load data
def redshift_load_data(data):
Loads the final DataFrame to the Redshift table.
data (DataFrame): The output of the result_2 function.
Step 1: Define the Redshift connection parameters
jdbcUrl = "jdbc:redshift://<your-cluster-endpoint>:5439/<your-database-name>"
username = "<your-username>"
password = "<your-password>"
table_name = "result_2_table" # Specify the Redshift table where data will be loaded
Step 2: Load data into Redshift
data.write.format("jdbc").option("url", jdbcUrl).option("dbtable", table_name).option("user", username).option("password", password) .mode("overwrite").save()
print(f"Data successfully loaded into the {table_name} table in Redshift.")
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