DEV Community

Michele Sciabarra
Michele Sciabarra

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Jump Start with Nimbella

I am starting a series of posts, that is going to cover Nimbella, an open-source serverless platform.

We start learning how to do the signup in Nimbella, which offers a free account for development. We are going to install the nim tool, the command-line interface to interact with Nimbella. Nimbella is also available on-premises in private clouds.

Then we go through actions, which are the building blocks of Nimbella applications. We will see how to create and update actions. Furthermore, actions can be invoked. Each invocation leaves a track as an activation. We are going to see how to check those activations, inspecting logs and results.

Nimbella also includes event handling, in the form of trigger and rule. We complete the chapter going into the details, with an example using slack, and another using timed execution.

Nimbella in a Nutshell

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