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Mentorship and the job search

I had a rough initial job search, I went from studying business to wanting to do software development, then, I found myself in SF at a bootcamp that no longer exists in I finally, had to get a job. We're in rough times right now, but it doesn't have to be. You might be looking for work, throwing your resume off into the abyss of online application portals and not hearing anything back. You might be thinking theres no hope and you're not good enough for the job you're applying for.


If you keep doing the same thing over and over and its not yielding a different result WTF are you doing?

First things first, what do we need? People on our side. How do we get that? Networking. Now, Im not talking about the going to a Meetup, sitting in the corner drinking the free beer and eating dumplings whilst talking about some new Javascript-framework-that's-going-to-be-the-next-React kind of networking! Im talking about the kind of networking that you can call someone at 3am on the corner of Hammered and Hungry needing a ride home. We want people on our side that will vouch for us at their current company or companies they've worked at before.


Because some hotshot Manager put in a good word for you magically moving you to the top of the list of job applicants. Is this fair? No probably not, but neither is life. Bye bye abyss.

How do we do this?

Right now it's a bit tricky but not impossible, I promise. Find people on Twitter, Instagram, Medium, Angel List, whosever work you really like. Im not talking 2020 double click like, Im talking REALLY LIKE. Send them a nice thoughtful email asking them for some time to chat about something specific at a specific time.

Something to the effects of:

"Hey Mr. Javascript Wizard, I really admire your work and contributions to open source. This last pull request you submitted really inspired me to learn about Abstract Syntax Tree algorithms (include a link). I was wondering if we could schedule a coffee chat this Friday at 2pm to learn how you got into open source."

Maybe they respond, maybe they dont. Dan Abramov still hasnt responded to my twitter message :( its ok though, he's a busy guy (Loved your decade in review and just javascript btw). Life moves on.

But maybe, just maybe you'll hit it off with them. Both of you will actually enjoy each others company or maybe they become your mentor.


Woah woah woah not so fast, lets talk about the coffee chat itself.

Its important to recognize that you want this persons time, treat it as such. Yagetit? No? Let me make myself crystal clear. Do your best to not waste their time. Come prepared, do your research, and have thoughtful questions. This is not an interview! Use the questions you came prepared with as a guide, not as a script. They'll be expecting you to be prepared, you reached out to them after all. Dont forget, make it casual, make it fun, and smile!

I'll let you in on a little secret. Keep a notepad with you so if they bring something up you want to mention later without derailing the whole fucking conversation, you can write it down and talk about it at a more appropriate time. Remember, this relationship youre cultivating can either be a really cool friendship, mentorship, or someone you will go to for advice in the future. Or in one of my cases, going from contract work, to interview prep guidance, to attending their bachelor party...... :)

I have done this multiple times and it has hands down changed my career for the better. I've met so many awesome and influential people that have been there for me when looking for career, business, or personal advice. But they're not going to find you, you have to find them.

Lot’s of rejections later, still learning and still meeting people. I am thankful to the mentors and people that have responded to my emails and cold messages. Because without them, I wouldn’t be where I would be today. At a great company, loving my job.

Action item for the reader

Reach out to people you admire, schedule a chat with them. If you do this, please share it with me so I can post about your success story!

Thanks for reading


Oldest comments (19)

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education

This is a wonderful post. People need to HEAR THIS! You can lead a horse to water...

We're often on both ends of this conversation. We have open times everyday to help people choose the right path - and we also reach out to our favorite 'web people' to talk to them all the time. It's crazy... but - everything is there - if you just ask for it.

scottstern06 profile image

Thank you so much for the kind words. I was honestly super hesitant to post this. This comment made my weekend and will continue to post things im hesitant to lol.

lucciddev profile image

This was very insightful. Thanks Scott.

scottstern06 profile image

Thank you for reading! It means the world to me.

Great job on your first post on dev!

Keep going!

milakostic profile image
Mila Kostic

Scott, thanks for the advice, a wonderful and very instructive post 👍

scottstern06 profile image

Thanks Mila! I really appreciate it.

goldfinger profile image

Excellent post! Its uncomfortable at first, but it's a great experience. Knowing the right people can get you in front of a recruiter. Also, use people in the network you already have! Check LinkedIn, I have reached out to people who graduated from the same University to get introductions to hiring managers at the companies they work for in the past.

scottstern06 profile image

I totally agree, it is uncomfortable, and i come up with every reason not to do it. Like this blog post. I came up with 5 reasons every hour why this isnt going to be of any value to anyone.

But sometimes, like an ice cold shower in the morning, you have to lean into the uncomfortable and great things come of it.

Thank you for your kind words and sharing your approach on Linkedin, i know someone will take your advice and implement it.

nyior profile image
Nyior Clement Jr.

This post opened my eyes to known but very underrated fact. Thank you for sharing.

scottstern06 profile image

Thanks for the kind words Nyior, i feel that way about a lot of things. I feel like I know what I should be doing but I somehow keep avoiding it and over complicating it.

Im glad you enjoyed the post!

jayesht profile image

Very helpful and motivating post.

scottstern06 profile image

Thank you Jayesh!

chethanagopinath profile image
Chethana Gopinath

This is amazing stuff, and also bang on about the part where you mention not to waste their time. Some folks would genuinely want to help you and would spend time speaking to you, because they want to. Fortunately, I've had the pleasure of meeting people like that during the summer. But if you ask them to join a call and speak about stuff that no-value stuff when they may have put you into their schedule due to their kindness, then you need to make sure to respect that. Sorry, huge ramble. Again, great post!!

scottstern06 profile image

Thank you so much for the kind words Chethana.

No, dont apologize for the "ramble" that was such a great point, ramble on! Thank you for sharing and reading!

arcbjorn profile image

Great and absolutely true! My story is almost identical to yours.

To get my real job in web dev, I had to apply for 300+ vacancies.

Never give up.

scottstern06 profile image

Thanks for sharing Arc, more people need to hear about the struggles. Keep grinding, and like you said, never give up. Learn, change your approach, and iterate. Success will come.

Thank you for reading!

idman95 profile image

This is so useful! I have a really great mentor who goes out of his way to help, so I'll definitely be implementing these tips to make sure his time isn't wasted.

scottstern06 profile image

Thank you so much for reading and responding Idman!

Im so glad you found a mentor, we all benefit so much from having them!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Cold approaches can work but they take effort and confidence 😁