DEV Community

Discussion on: Advice for a struggling bootcamp grad?

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Shannon Crabill

I'm also a Flatiron bootcamp grad, and before then, a self-taught coder, so I get how you feel. A few times a week, I consider quitting tech entirely because it feels so, so bleak, and the pandemic doesn't help either. If you can, take a breather, it's a lot and it seems like you are doing all the right things and may be experiencing burnout.

Have you given any thought to not advertising that you are a bootcamp grad? I haven't dug into it too much, but it's possible that the bootcamp label is off-putting for some companies. Some advice I've seen is that you are a software engineer, not a beginner software engineer or junior software engineer. You are a software engineer. Period. Again, not to say this is a magic bullet, but it may help both with how you sell and perceive yourself, approach the job search, and (hopefully in a good way) how companies perceive you.

Please don't hesitate to reach out via DM if you want to chat. Happy to offer advice, feedback, etc if I can. 🤗