DEV Community

Discussion on: Should devs code in their free time?

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Shannon Crabill

If they want to, have the resources to do so, sure. But as a requirement, nope.

I'm torn. On one side, a developer who is involved in extracurriculars may look more appealing. But, another developer, who may not have the time or resources to do so, isn't necessarily the "worst" choice. Looking at their 9-5 technical skills, they may be equal. Heck, the person who doesn't code in their spare time might even be the "better" candidate overall.

Having "free time" outside of work is a privilege. It's unfair that it seems like having that privilege is what it takes to get in/ahead/seen in tech. Perhaps this is my bias coming from a working-class family. Or my experiences with being slighted in favor of the privileged, but it's happened enough times that I'm torn with what to do about it. Do I keep trying to be "extra"? Or do I just give up and be ok where I am?

A few years ago, I hit the CFP scene hard. I did it partially because I thought it would help me move within my career, but ultimately, I'm not sure if it did. Maybe there's an unknown X-factor that is still playing against me. Maybe it is how it is.
