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Common React interview questions and vetted, eloquent answers to rehearse

Alex Booker on November 23, 2020

If you want to land a great React job in 2021, this is the post for you 😌. I'm bringing you this post on the back of Scrimba's new React Interview...
mirkodrummer profile image
Mirko Mariani β€’

Minor on β€œ Angular's built-in HttpClient, whereas with React, teams depend on additional data-fetching libraries like Axios or Fetch. ” Fetch is not a library it’s a browser native api, a polyfill is required if the runtime is Node. Btw great article!

bookercodes profile image
Alex Booker β€’

I'll make that distinction clearer, thank you!

devbambhaniya profile image
Devshi bambhaniya β€’
crfries profile image
crfries β€’

Well written and super helpful. Thank you!

kalmanh profile image
Kalman Hazins β€’

Phenomenal job!

Minor typo: "props and state are similar in that they both hold information that influenes the output of a render"

influenes => influences

bookercodes profile image
Alex Booker β€’

I'll get this sorted, thank you!

mannybreno profile image
Manny Becerra β€’

Excellent job on this write-up Alex πŸ’―

cassidoo profile image
Cassidy Williams β€’

Thanks for writing this up, hope people find it all useful!

masiucd profile image
Marcell Ciszek Druzynski β€’

Great job πŸ‘

jimmontour profile image
Jim Montour β€’

Thank you for writing this! Super helpful!

kalmanh profile image
Kalman Hazins β€’

Another minor typo: "This cleanup function executes before the component is removed from the UI to prevent memory likes (similar to componentWillUnmount)."

likes => leaks