DEV Community

Discussion on: What is your debugging approach?

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Stewart Smith • Edited

I develop in a space where you can't trust the hardware you're running on. With that in mind:

1) check the logs
2) replicate the failure
3) come up with a minimal repro and pray that it fails consistently
4) use debugger Foo
5) consult hardware manuals for expected behaviour and interface
6) start tracing register activity and traffic to the hardware unit
7) start bit banging registers
8a) complain about the problem to coworkers
8b) learn about something seemly unrelated that is broken right now
8c) find out your problem is a corner case of that issue
9) file a driver or hardware bug
10) participate in long email threads followed by a meeting where the HW engs explain their change has no software impact and shouldn't break anything
11) HW engs end the meeting with "well in that case it does impact SW"