DEV Community


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I'm building a photo uploader with all the DevOps bells and whistles. I am using this post to host all my questions. Once I answer them, I'll add the answers to them.

As of November 14, 2022, the way I'm thinking of building it is:

TODO: create a diagram and show here

React application

  • How should I serve it?
  • Should I deploy it to a server running nginx? And why?
  • Should I serve it as a single staticfile hosted on a bucket?
  • Should I use Docker?

Django application

  • How do I add data monitoring?
  • I will use Docker to serve this application. What base image should I use?
  • I have an application server + a task queue. How do I get these two to talk each other?
  • How do I spin up new instances and have the load balancer know about them?
  • How do I spin up new instances in response to data monitoring?
  • What should I use to manage the database?
  • How do I get my local build to upload images to one bucket and production build to upload to another?


  • How do I manage environment variables in production?
  • When I push changes to main, how do I create a hook to deploy my latest changes?


  • How do I expose my docker container to the outside world?

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