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Discussion on: Modern Rails app boilerplate with React + TypeScript + Docker Compose

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Sean Björnsson • Edited

Not sure if you got this to work zsilverzweig, but I figured I'd comment here in case anyone else comes upon this post.
I had to add the following to the docker-compose.yml file to get this to work:

Under the db service

      # expose 5432
      - 5432:5432
      # I honestly can't remember if this was necessary, 
      # but I also have these environment variables set.
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_DB: db

in the backend service:

      # THIS IS KEY. I pass in docker-machine ip as the DB_HOST 
      # when I run docker-compose. this is necessary because 
      # docker-machine is running on virutalbox, and so localhost 
      # doesn't work with any of these, you need to be referencing 
      # the external IP of the virtualbox.
      # ex: DB_HOST=$(docker-machine ip) docker-compose up backend
      DB_HOST: ${DB_HOST}
      # I did this so I could link the db pass with the one given the db service  
      # above. Not setting a password didn't work for me, but in theory it should. 
      DB_PASS: ${DB_PASS}

The biggest issue I had was figuring out that the virtualbox IP needed to be referenced directly. Once I figured that out, I could at least log onto the psql console and change the password.