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Discussion on: Angular dynamic modules at runtime with Module Federation

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Sean Perkins

In your example, does the feature.module.ts have a component with a router outlet and a router module declaration for forChild([...])? By exposing feature.module.ts in your remote's webpack config, you should be able to something similar to this in your shell/root's app routing module:

       path: 'feature-path',
       loadChildren: () => loadRemoteModule({
            remoteEntry: 'http://localhost:xxxx/remoteEntry.js',
            remoteName: 'remoteExampleName',
            exposedModule: './FeatureModule'
       }).then(m => m['FeatureModuleName'])
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This should lazy-load your remote app's feature module contents when navigating to /feature-path and then defer to that module's structure for further nested lazy loading. I've done something similar where my shell loads different authentication experiences under the /authentication namespace and certain auth experiences have further lazy loading for forgot password & user registration screens.

If you can statically declare the module federation information, it's much easier. Otherwise, you'll have to have that information in a config and pass static tokens into the app module of the shell and override the ROUTES token as shown above.

If you eco-system is small enough or not having live reloading against the remote isn't a deal breaker, you can federate the AppModule from the remote and not run into any issues.