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Sean Antony Brunton
Sean Antony Brunton

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All the Maps that Morph from a Cup of Java

This not about Java, but it starts off about Java and morphs into something which just came out. I apologize for how weird it is. I like symbolic expression, and I take pride in being different. I am told I am a talented writer (much rather be a better coder and engineer..) Regardless, sometimes I like to write, and when I do it is all me, and can only come from me.If there are any grammar or spelling errors, I sincerely apologize :-P

Real World Systems

Bureaucracy makes for the best real world systems to come into light. Ask the men who created Java, when the project first came into being in December, 1990 at the famous tech firm, Sun Microsystems. Initially Java was the brainstorm, of a frustrated programmer dissatisfied with API’s the company was using at the time. Engineer Patrick Naughton had become frustrated with Sun’s C++ / C API, and along with some like-minded men, the “Stealth Project” was formed. This project (judging the accounts of my reading), seems like a dark corner of Sun Microsystems, and soon enough more engineers joined the project to find a way replace C++ / C, with a more general-purposed language, and one which could run on all computing platforms. You might remember that at the time Sun Microsystems heavily influenced the designs of most generic computer architectures, and most of the world was using hardware adapted from what Sun was making. It seemed logical that a general-purposed language be developed for engineers to work with, within the company - It would make life a lot easier at the tech firm, and thus the very reason why the “Stealth Project” was at first, an autonomous department to Sun Microsystems day to day business operations.

Gosling’s Irrationality & the Square Root of 2

The “Stealth Project” was no longer a stealthy, somewhat clandestine project. when the inventor of Sun’s NeWs windowing system joined the project, aka the famous James Gosling. Father of Java, or “Dr Java” (haHa!) . I’ve always seen the Java programming language, as one as created and used by “doctor programmers” (see my blog post;

My PyLiSp Philosphy). It is only now, that I have discovered that James Gosling is referred to as ‘Dr Java’. I find my own correlation to the metaphor, rather humorous. To me Java is like cutting flesh with a chainsaw, when all you need a scalpel. It’s an overkill of genius, however one which almost powers the entire world. Overkill makes for confusion to be learned easier, in a real world scenario, where understanding has no option for failure, that what I have personally noticed. If I can’t understand something I will obsess over it (for weeks if need be), until I can rectify a solution to my problem. Many of history’s coders (I personally think), fell into the trap of “excessive overkill”. Clojure takes the real-world brilliance of Java’s “excessive overkill”, and throws into the λ-calculus. The most potent from of human Mathematics we have ever achieved in sccuntiny . Naturally it was born to be the stuff of Magic, and Magic Clojure is, when it integrates almost as better as Java does, even with its own JVM (Java Virtual Machine). So sometimes the very fact that norm is irrationality, can be a big motivational map for the λ-calculus to morph it into rationality, hold it tight. Make it immutable, pure and as it is intended to be. Clojure brings rationality to Java’s (ag man, it is spectacularly brilliant - doctors make the best engineering minds in my opinion - Irrationality has an acute triangle to the real world of Today). Still Clojure brings the JVM closer to itself, or maybe it actually brings it closer to me? The programmer, the hacker, the creator or fixer? Anyone. To understand the beauty of Clojure, we must first grasp the irrationality of it’s Mother, and how the JVM makes sense of it. For Maven is the library of Clojure’s knowledge.

Maven is weird strict. The old fashioned, the prim and prime nanny, one would find in a Victorian castle in Scotland. However she does know best, and we ought to listen. Clojure listens, but will build upon what it learns from its “Nanny”. We have to take in the irrationality of the old way. Throw it (and as how we see fit), into our own, new and adopted world. Clojure is the very reason why we had strict teachers, mentors, the stubborn and arrogant doctors that fix our deadly mistakes. Real World problems, and even its own solution, to its own problem, and within in its own situation?. Historically this, is our own product of our own “excessive overkill”. Still the phenomenon works, and.. because we are as a human species? We work best through, big and incorporated commutative rings. It makes thing develop faster, as real-world system are ones built, which off what we are still learning from.

((Recursion) {: makes for Real World Systems}))

Many people at school use to say History had no real purpose in the school curriculum, I suppose what they teach, one can be correct in saying that. Humans record things for a could. We forget what we makes, because Real World Systems are ones which evolve, develop and never end. I think history is very important for us to study, and perhaps you agree with the latter. However I like to learn about the pioneers of our New World, and the technology behind it. The real pioneers, and an important cognitive gear, of the tech industry, one which has taken over our world. I like to learn about the engineers, and the guys who paved the way into the Internet Age.

((The Stuff(s) {: of Magic(s)})))

General Magic was an awesome start-up, I can’t comprehend what it must have been like to work there. Despite the company eventually failure, its engineers where responsible for technology we take for granted everyday. It’s not really the hectic legends who worked there, for me personally. Rather the work ethic of the company, a company which (actually, and it should’ve been addressed) let its engineers do all sorts of crazy stuff to inspire creativity. While that is a good way to create morale, and was a brilliant initiative to have these type of minds run their own company, ultimately and sadly the politics of the business world doesn’t really work that way. Which why Java is where is today, and TeleScript.. well where it is today. Sun Microsystems kinda took the Open Source route, whereas (naturally being a clandestine/research company of Apple, Inc) chose to keep their inventions and discoveries to themselves, and Close Source all their source code, OS’s and other aspect which was starting to build a nice brand. It would be interesting to see where General Magic would be today if they made better, more adaptable business decisions. They should have embraced the internet instead of trying to create their own like “web portal” networks, a network(s) with only linked through technology produced by General Magic, and the other companies who invested in magical company, (l)oL.

({Not much Room? [ :build a Dependable House]})

The way I see it, is that General Magic, was at first the company was made of rather interesting individuals. These guys went through Steve Job’s crazy “distortion field” .Again my example of “excessive overkill”.. Apple is a company who took extremely advanced computing methods, the type which was only done across the scientific and academic platform and put straight into the consumer market.

They created fine technology, but also ‘beautiful’ jewelry and pieces of gadgetry. Today it makes our lives so much more dynamic, and better adaptable for us to commit to change, well I think so anyway. As me, and myself working in a company, which was founded by my father, whereby we were designing, forever tweaking and manufacturing our own flavor of UPS technology, I understand what can correlate to what it is like to take pride in something that you create, it’s not what you actually create, but rather to me, the flavor of creation and what working environment it initiates. It does create a family, however a family in a working environment can only work and evolve into one, if the team ‘agentize’ their roles in company. Meaning that each member need to be an important aspect to what your team is building.

This comes down to how clever the maps and the functions are, inside the source code of your company’s software project. Today a lot of “tech firms' build their tech via a “layered-philosophy”, having a dependence on third party packages. This why NpM is something that changes faster than graphic cards in the hardware industry, in fact web technology is saturated. However its driving the world, and thus makes for a Real World System(s). “Excessive Overkill” makes for Real World Systems, while it’s very good for our innovation, it is making front-end development more turnkey, and thus easier for others to see, understanding our Information better. Having said that it also leaves gaps, loopholes and gaps which awakens the dark corners of the Real World. This why I love when we can rely on the λ-calculus, for its rock solid core. It’s potent, impregnable and in-penetrable to silly script kids. Elegance can make a lot for mistakes, and that is why it makes for brilliant security. Security enforcement is, in reality mitigation. This where I see an advantage of relying on the λ-calculus for my computing applications.

{(Put on YouR(s) Magic CaP(s))}

General Magic made one main product, Magic Cap. An OS adapted for mobile agent technology. A precursor to our smart phones, and tablets etc. Magic made leaps in touchscreen technology, and it’s the reason today, we squizz through our computing devices, instead half bloody hack it. Technology such as USB, they made advancement in hardware. Giving us the early versions and essential prototypes for us to build, manufacture the initial tech behind touchscreen controllers, ICs and ASICs. The company also developed software modems, which was in essence (perhaps), Apple first steps into virtualization, an aspect of computing, the world is now, and very quickly adopting as main stream, especially for computing application for business operations. Like Sun Microsystems “Stealth Project”, General Magic, was Apple’s answer to such a level of thought, except General Magic was a proper company, and a spin off of what Apple was, when Steve Job’s was at its young helm.

(let ((var “Reality Distortion”) {: [MapItseLF(s)]}))

As coders, I think we tend to not like Steve Jobs, another rather relate to Steve Wozniak, although I tend to be bias towards that reasoning as well, I have to admit that since coming to grasp the λ-calculus and what it describes, it makes perfect sense that such two individual be business partners. Whether we like it or not, Steve Jobs was just a hectically talented programmer or engineer, however.. He simply could not code, it’s as simple and plain as that. Programmers in a project or in a company, behavior in fractal movements, the same as musicians from an orchestra. Steve Jobs was the perfect conductor for a team of misfit-kids wanting to change the world. One simple reason.. He was the business and marketing imagination of the business, what would become Apple, Inc. The most (at one time- I think?) successful public company in human history. Steve Jobs' mind was what made it a $1 Trillion corporation. I believe Steve Jobs both knew how to push misfits and totally convince them, that anything is possible, he warped their minds and brought them into a “distortion field”. What Jobs did was convinced his eccentric troop of minions, to a point, where this idea morphed into a concept of “Reality Distortion”.

What is this “Reality Distortion Field” Really?

The “Reality Distortion Field” is not anything real, but rather something which is probable, and if confined withing a good working environment, not to mention the right type of people? It can be something which can manifest in something which has never existed before. The picture on the right can best describe the weird mathematics which happen when apply “Reality Distortion” . Despite the questioned probabilities of such a concept, we can see actually something following some sort of mathematical law, abstract as it is. It is rather bizarre, but none the less nature is at work. How? Where? Well despite that craziness, we do see a beautiful Fibonacci Sequence in the works, combined with external “forces” - These “forces” are just other fractals moving around the Probability Space, still these bizarre fractal movements will still affect that Fibonacci Sequence happening there. The term comes from Star-Trek, in episode "The Menagerie", maybe in more of a concrete and philosophical sense, the concept originates from a concept called “Magical Thinking”. I won’t say any more on that, as objective truth will completely get broken down.

Although I believe that there is a place for it, and as long as it is treated as an abstraction of mathematics, and that all team-players are aware of it. I see no harm in warping your mind into science-fiction and fantasy, if only for insight into new innovation. The problem comes with an RDF, is when the person who preaches it, is convinced by his or hers own words, he or she is only a victim of the concept, and not a benefactor. In fact there is not much good which comes from an RDF, if any at all. Except for one thing. The new reality it can create. Which can also be a very, very bad thing. Welcome to the power of the λ-calculus. Things can go wrong. Very wrong. So an RDF must be treated as something very dangerous, and leaders of companies ought to keep a close eye on such R & D teams. If an RDF has something sensible nurturing it, watching it like a parent of a crazy kid your company can achieve great things. An RDF needs to see the real Reality, it need to find its way back, in case budget cost soar out of control. Like they did with the development if the first Macintosh, at Apple Computers. Despite the machine stance in computing history, it was a marketing and sales disaster, and ultimately cost Steve Jobs helm at Apple, so you an RDF needs to contained, and watched. In my own anyway, because great innovation needs the crazy minds of those misfits who want to change the world. They just need good project management, corporate and business leadership, unfortunately. HaHa!

You may be asking why I am talking about crazy shit, on a my blog fashioned for DeepWorX? Well I say it now, and only once. DeepWorX is crazy. To understand intelligence, we have understand every single aspect of it, for DeepWorX to achieve advancements in AI, and other machine related applications. The beautiful, the boring, the insightful, the…. Ugly. All of it, since we hardly know anything of our minds, I see “crazy” as the only way to create truly remarkable and life changing Real World Systems. “Crazy” need to be contained in such a way, otherwise everything else in the company will go crazy, and what I personally think was General Magic’s only flaw. Crazy is not good for a real World System, despite “crazy” being the mathematical concepts which revolutionize our world in the first place! “Crazy” must be contained and separated from other operations of a software company, here we need “Reality Distortion Fields”. So your company can attracted talented programmers, and not kids who do code for the money. These are ugly programmers, and it can be seen in the neatness of their code, ugly code, is from a person or someone who has no passion for your product.

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