As software engineering teams start to build products that become more and more mature. It becomes necessary to be able to debug complex issues with tooling that enables understanding of the full scenario. This can come from application scenarios where APIs are running multiple versions, where users are using your app from multiple devices, device types, OS versions, browser versions, things like that.
You may also run into issues with network connectivity or a functionality that is intermittent based on sort of use cases and user interactions. And for this sort of scenario, we’ve come to start to use a class of tools for debugging called observability tools, observability tools, help developers to understand the full scenario of an application by digging into the data that is being used and recorded and can help to pipe data across various , solutions that are used within enterprises to read and discover what’s going on from analytics. One such tool, one product used for this is Rookout . And we are here today, chatting with Liran Haimovitch . We’ll talk a little bit about the product and his history, as well as the use case for out and sort of where the team is headed.
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