Breakthroughs from labs that are exclusively or mostly focused on research tend to stay buried as papers. Sometimes the lag is natural, the research is far ahead of its broad applicability. But we find that there are hundreds of breakthroughs useful long before they reach users. It can take many years, even decades, before breakthroughs are realized in products that improve people’s lives. This is massively inefficient! Research has to be coupled closely with development and deployment, so that we can iterate through the cycle quickly, and build good products that actually solve problems for people.
Protocol Labs is a research, development, and deployment lab for network protocols. Their projects include IPFS, Filecoin, libp2p, and many more.
Jeromy Johnson is a distributed systems researcher focused on incentive mechanism design and trustless distributed system scalability. He joins us today to share how Protocol Labs is spearheading the innovation in web3.
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