Nearly all developers are interested in developing APIs to streamline the connection process for other companies to their services. APIs are ubiquitous and critical to building modern software. However, making an API that provides a great developer experience can be a time-consuming endeavor. As a result, API teams often leave the “final” mile of integration on the shoulders of the users. Speakeasy, a budding startup, aims to provide a product and a pipeline that makes it easy to create and consume any API.
Sagar Batchu is the Co-foudner and CEO of Speakeasy and he joins us in this episode.
Paweł is the founder at flat.sociaI the world’s first ‘flatverse’ start-up. Pawel’s background is as a full-stack software engineer with a lean and experimental approach towards product development. With a strong grounding in computing science, he spent the last decade getting early-stage products off the ground – both in startup and corporate settings.
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