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My name is Seenevasaraj, and I am working as Software Developer at Luxoft India. The various project at Luxoft, I am implementing automation in all viable way. Through this article I desired to provide an explanation about different types API's are used across software developers and it's usage.

What is API
The API(Application Programming Interfaces) is a powerful and versatile means to connect diverse and disparate software applications. APIs permit a giant array of unrelated software merchandise to integrate and interoperate with different software program and records. APIs additionally permit builders to add functions and functionality to software by means of utilising a wealthy array of different developers' APIs. Much of modern-day enterprise, cellular and internet software relies upon on a wide range of APIs.

Developers can work with an assortment of API types, protocols and architectures that suit the unique needs of different packages and agencies.

Different Types

REST APIs (Representational State Transfer):

  • Architecture: RESTAPIs represent data's in simple formats (JSON or XML).

    • Our system boasts a uniform interface, making it engaging and easy to use for all clients. It also boasts a stateless architecture, ensuring efficient and smooth communication. With our native caching feature, clients can enjoy a speedy and seamless browsing experience. Deemed as a reliable and robust client-server architecture, our system supports a layered system model, providing flexibility and adaptability. Lastly, our system has the ability to provide executable code to the client, enabling them to access and execute relevant functions promptly and effectively.
  • Pros:

    • Flexibility is achieved by decoupling the client from the server. This also means that the system is cache-friendly and can handle various formats with ease.
  • Cons:

    • Having extensive metadata can result in significant payloads, while not having a clear agreement on message structure can present difficulties during implementation.

Common Use Cases: Easily create minimalistic resource-focused applications using Management APIs.

SOAP APIs[Simple Object Access Protocol]:

  • Format: SOAP-APIs use XML files.

  • Pros:

    • Communication is bolstered by robust standards, while security is seamlessly integrated into the system.
  • Cons:

    • XML format often leads to verbosity, resulting in slower performance when compared to REST

Common Use Cases: By adapting By utilizing When implementing into business protocols, incorporating enterprise systems and modern applications into practices can transform legacy applications.

Open APIs:

  • Definition: Publicly available open APIs allow third-party developers to easily access specific features or data from an application.
  • Use Cases: Creating partnerships with external services and constructing interconnected systems.

Partner APIs:

  • Definition:Specific partners or collaborators are able to access and utilize partner APIs.
  • Use Cases: Partner systems and joint ventures are both integral components that we are seamlessly incorporating into our operations.

Internal APIs:

  • Definition:Internal APIs, which are also referred to as private APIs, facilitate communication between various services within an organization.
  • Use Cases: Experience the seamless integration of our internal systems through our cutting-edge microservices architecture.

Composite APIs:

  • Definition: Composite APIs have the ability to merge several APIs, creating a more convenient and streamlined interface for users.

  • Use Cases: Gathering information from multiple sources and streamlining user interactions.

How To Choose API's According To Your Software Requirements

Identify Your Purpose:

  • Immediate Problem: Think about the exact problem you're currently facing. What key features are necessary for solving it?

  • Future Needs: As you consider your application's future needs, contemplate the features and capabilities that will be necessary in the next five to ten years. This proactive thinking will serve as a valuable compass in determining the best API for your usage.

Understand Your Audience:

  • Who Will Use It?: Determine the intended audience for your API. Is it for internal use within your organization, for partners, or for external developers?
  • Private, Public, or External: APIs can be categorized as private (for in-house use), public/partner (for known developers or business partners), or external (available to any third-party developer). Choose the type that aligns with your goals2.

Evaluate API Solutions Based on Criteria:

  • Performance: When it comes to a competitive market, dependable uptime is essential. Don't forget about the importance of speed as well – take performance into consideration.

API Specifications:

  • REST, also known as Representational State Transfer, is a highly sought-after architectural style for APIs. By setting communication standards between computer systems, REST simplifies the flow of data within applications. With their simple and adaptable nature, RESTful APIs have gained widespread popularity.

API Usage


  • In microservices-based applications, each service communicates via APIs. This modular approach allows scalability, flexibility, and independent development of services.

Data Retrieval and Aggregation:

  • News Aggregators: APIs collect news articles from different publishers.

  • Financial Data APIs: Retrieve up-to-date data for stock prices, currency exchange rates, or economic indicators with ease.


  • With the use of natural language processing services, you can easily incorporate chatbot APIs to create conversational bots that interact with your users. - Enhance your testing process by utilizing APIs that enable testing tools to interact seamlessly with web applications.


  • HRSystems: APIs facilitate the integration of payroll, leave management, and employee databases.
  • InventoryManagement: APIs connect inventory systems with sales and order processing, creating a seamless connection between the two.

APIs are the heart and soul of contemporary software development. It's crucial to keep in mind that the perfect API selection relies heavily on your unique circumstances and objectives. Regardless of whether you're creating a compact application or an extensive system, comprehending your needs will steer you towards the most suitable API resolution

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