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Persisting your React state in 9 lines

selbekk on May 07, 2019

I was playing around with a project from Frontend Mentor this weekend, and I was implementing this theme switcher with React hooks. It struck me th...
mxmzb profile image
Maxim • Edited

Really nice, thank you Kristofer! This is a very pragmatic approach. I kind of like Redux, and you inspired me to add a construct React.useReducer on top of this. It might be just the perfect substitute for a full-blown react-redux + redux-persist setup.

islami00 profile image

Ikr! I was also considering learning redux to persist the state left over from react query.
The main thing I was running away from was typing reducers because I use typescript. I think I'll try this with a custom json serialise function for any special objects by prepping them as classes. I'll update the design I had in mind initially with useReducer.
(Taking notes here now, haha) The reducer is a bit like redux in the sense that there's one global reducer that has a root and nodes of different ui components in the state tree. It would be generic enough to have typings and allow other components to have their own custom branch of this node.
I guess the localstate update would need to be more complex in that case to avoid chucking it all in one key. Hmm, I wonder what the limit for that is really.

fredericocotrim profile image

Could you share your approuch using usePersistedState on useReducer?

jcaguirre89 profile image
Cristobal Aguirre • Edited

I adapted both this post and this blog post by Swizec Teller to get what I wanted using useReducer. I'm making an ecommerce site and wanted to persist the cart items. So I did:

const initialState = {
  //other state
  cartItems: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart_items')) || [],

function reducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'UPDATE_CART': {
      const { variantId, quantity } = action.payload;
      const updatedCartItems = state.cartItems.filter(
        i => i.variantId !== variantId
      const cartItems = [...updatedCartItems, { variantId, quantity }];
      // write to localStorage <-- key part
      if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
        localStorage.setItem('cart_items', JSON.stringify(cartItems));
      return {

and then plugged that into context. If you need more context, I'm using gatsby and followed this guide to set up the state mgt. logic.

Hope it helps!

knokit profile image
Ivo Silva

In case you're storing falsy values, you might want to initialize the state like this:

const [value, setValue] = useState(() => {
    const storedValue = localStorage.getItem(key);
    return storedValue !== null ? JSON.parse(storedValue) : defaultValue;
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yuhanx0728 profile image
Yuhan Xiao

Hi @selbekk , nice article! Can you explain a little about the last section(about optimization)? How would

() => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key))

inside useState() work? Wouldn't it not work, since it is declared, not invoked inside useState()?

selbekk profile image


When you pass a function as an argument to useState instead of a "regular" value, it is only run on the initial render. It’s a way React offers to do initialization work only once, instead of on each render.

yinonhever profile image

Hey, can I use this code in a class-based component? Or can it only be used in a functional component whose state is managed with Hooks?

selbekk profile image

Hi! Hooks unfortunately require function components to work, but you could recreate the same functionality with either a HOC or just directly in your class component. In your componentDidUpdate, add a line that serializes and saves your state to local storage.

componentDidUpdate() {
    β€˜my state key’,

When you initialize the state, you need to do the reverse:

constructor(props) {
  this.state = JSON.parse(
    window.localStorage.getItem(β€˜my state key’)
  ) || { fallback: value };

Hope that helps!

raarts profile image
Ron Arts

What if an Async Storage solution is being used, like AsyncStorage on react native?

stephanieraymos profile image
Stephanie Raymos

Thanks for this! Can you explain how we would actually use this within the application?

selbekk profile image

Hi Stephanie!

You would copy the source code into your project, and import the usePersistentState hook where you would want to use it

selbekk profile image

That happens when you try to render a regular object as children. I’d have to see more of the related code to be of any assistance

jesii profile image
Jon Seidel

Probably need to JSON.stringify that object to store the data in local storage.

codedbychavez profile image
Chavez Harris

This is awesome!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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a_m_h_gad profile image

This was very helpful ☺️ thanks for sharing πŸ’œ

yinonhever profile image

Great custom hook, I already used it in several projects. Are you gonna make it an NPM package?

selbekk profile image

For 9 lines of code? I’d rather just copy it. But feel free to make a package out of it yourself if you want to πŸ₯³