DEV Community

Cover image for Pennyful

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What I built

An expense tracker and budget creator.

Category Submission:

Best Overall Project
Most Visually Pleasing
Most Technical Impressive
Best Project built using Supabase as the main data provider for the refine app.

App Link


Home Page

Expenses Screen


This web app was built with refine, Vite and supabase. It was designed around tracking expenses, creating budgets and then seeing the space where the two intersect in a visual way. It was also an opportunity for the developer to try out Supabase, so there's that too.

Link to Source Code

Permissive License


Background (What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

I used to use an app called Monefy in college and it helped me with tracking expenses with my limited allowance, and I've always been curious what it looked like under the hood.

How I built it (How did you utilize refine? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)

I set up the databases I needed on supabase first. And then I explored refine. I hadn't fully understood refine by that point (neither the QuickStart nor the tutorial clicked with me), but I figured it out after some tinkering. I actually stopped and started over with the refine CLI multiple times trying out the different UI frameworks, so that was something new.

Additional Resources/Info

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