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How to Optimize Core Web Vitals of Your website

As the world continues to shift towards an online-first approach, website speed has become more important than ever. A website’s performance can make or break a user’s experience, which is why Google has created the Core Web Vitals initiative. These vitals focus on three key areas: loading, interactivity, and visual stability. In this article, we will discuss how to optimize website speed for Core Web Vitals, focusing on different techniques to enhance the loading speed of a webpage.

Optimize Above the Fold

Above the fold is the portion of a webpage that is visible without scrolling down. Optimizing this section can significantly impact the user experience. To optimize above the fold, we should follow some guidelines. We can use critical CSS, which is a technique that extracts only the necessary CSS required for above the fold content. We can also minify HTML and CSS files, reduce the number of requests, and use inline CSS and JavaScript for critical elements.

Image Size Optimization

Images can take up a significant amount of page size, and large images can slow down page loading speed. One way to reduce image size is by compressing them. WebP images are a great choice as they provide superior compression with no loss of quality. We can also consider lazy loading, which only loads images when they are needed. This technique can reduce the page size and improve loading times.

DOM of Page

The Document Object Model (DOM) of a webpage defines its structure and content. The size and complexity of the DOM can impact the webpage's performance. We can optimize the DOM by reducing the number of elements, reducing the number of scripts, and avoiding unnecessary nested elements. Additionally, we can defer non-critical scripts to load after the page has rendered, reducing the loading time.

Lazy Loading of Images

As mentioned earlier, lazy loading can significantly improve the loading speed of a webpage. This technique loads images as they become visible in the user's viewport, rather than loading all images at once. We can use JavaScript libraries like LazyLoad to implement this technique. However, we should ensure that we do not delay the loading of important content and that we do not use it excessively.

Optimize CSS Delivery

CSS is critical for rendering a webpage's visual elements. However, the loading of CSS can block the rendering of content. We can optimize CSS delivery by inlining critical CSS, minifying CSS files, and reducing the number of requests. Additionally, we can use asynchronous loading, which loads CSS files after the page has rendered.

Defer, Sync JS Delivery

JavaScript files can also impact the webpage's loading speed. We can optimize JavaScript delivery by deferring non-critical scripts to load after the page has rendered. We can also use asynchronous loading to load scripts simultaneously, and synchronous loading to load scripts in order, prioritizing critical scripts.

In conclusion, optimizing website speed for Core Web Vitals is critical for providing a seamless user experience. We can follow these techniques to optimize website speed, including optimizing above the fold, optimizing image sizes, optimizing the DOM of a page, implementing lazy loading of images, optimizing CSS delivery, and deferring or synchronizing JS delivery. By implementing these techniques, we can significantly enhance our webpage’s loading speed, leading to improved user experience and higher search engine rankings.

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