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Sergey Podgornyy
Sergey Podgornyy

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10 Lesser-Known Tools and Websites to Spice Up Your Developer Toolbox

As a software engineer, you're no stranger to the tried-and-true tools and platforms that are essential for your day-to-day work. But what if you're looking for something a bit more unconventional, something to add a touch of creativity or a spark of inspiration to your coding journey? Look no further! We've curated a list of 10 lesser-known tools and websites that can make your job more interesting and enjoyable.

1. Carbon

Carbon preview

Carbon allows you to create stunning and customizable code screenshots with syntax highlighting. Whether you want to share code snippets on social media or enhance your documentation, Carbon is a handy tool to have in your arsenal.

2. DevHints

DevHints preview

DevHints is your cheat sheet and quick reference repository for various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. It's the perfect resource for quick syntax lookups without the need to dive deep into documentation.

3. RegExr

RegExr preview

RegExr simplifies working with regular expressions. This online tool provides a visual interface for building and testing regex patterns in real-time, making regex less intimidating.

But that's not all! Here are a couple of bonus resources to complement your regex journey:

- Regexper

Regexper preview for uuid pattern

Regexper takes your regular expressions to the next level. It generates interactive, visually appealing diagrams that help you understand your regex patterns. With Regexper, you can see your regex patterns come to life, making complex expressions easier to grasp.

- iHateRegex

iHateRegex preview for email pattern

iHateRegex is your ally in conquering regular expressions. It offers a collection of regex patterns for common use cases and provides explanations and examples for each. Whether you're a regex novice or a seasoned pro, iHateRegex can save you time and frustration by offering pre-built solutions and guidance.

With RegExr, Regexper, and iHateRegex in your toolkit, you'll have everything you need to master regular expressions efficiently and effectively.

4. Excalidraw

Excalidraw preview

Excalidraw is a collaborative virtual whiteboard where you can sketch diagrams, flowcharts, and wireframes. It's perfect for brainstorming and discussing design ideas with your team.

5. JQ

JQ command line output

JQ is a lightweight and powerful command-line JSON processor. It's a time-saving tool for manipulating and extracting data from JSON files effortlessly.

6. Quicktype

Quicktype preview

Quicktype automates the generation of code from JSON data. It's a real timesaver when dealing with complex JSON structures in your applications.

7. Wappalyzer

Wappalyzer tech stack preview for larapulse blog

Wappalyzer is a browser extension that identifies the technologies and frameworks used on a website. It's a valuable tool for competitive analysis and staying up-to-date with web technologies.

8. Hacker Typer

Hacker Typer preview

Hacker Typer is pure fun! It simulates typing like a Hollywood hacker. Use it to entertain your colleagues during presentations or meetings.

9. The Useless Web

The Useless Web preview

The Useless Web takes you on a journey to random, quirky, and entirely useless websites. It's a delightful way to take a quick break and have a laugh when you need to reset your mind.

10. A Soft Murmur

A Soft Murmur preview

A Soft Murmur lets you create custom ambient sounds to improve your focus or relax while working. Mix sounds like rain, thunder, and birdsong to create your perfect background noise.

Bonus Tools:

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum preview

Lorem Ipsum is the classic Lorem Ipsum text generator, perfect for generating placeholder text in your projects.

You may also want to consider alternatives:

  • Bacon Ipsum adds a delicious twist to placeholder text. Instead of the standard Lorem Ipsum, it generates text with a meaty theme. If you're feeling hungry for creative content, give Bacon Ipsum a try.
  • Cupcake Ipsum serves up a sweet alternative to Lorem Ipsum. It generates text with a confectionery theme, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to your design mockups. Cupcake Ipsum is a delightful way to sprinkle some fun into your projects.

With Lorem Ipsum, Bacon Ipsum, and Cupcake Ipsum at your disposal, you can choose the perfect placeholder text to match the mood of your design or project.

Lorem Picsum

Lorem Picsum preview

Lorem Picsum provides random placeholder images, adding visual appeal to your designs.


These tools and websites may not be the most conventional choices for developers, but they can certainly add a touch of creativity, convenience, or fun to your work. So go ahead, explore, and enjoy the journey of discovering new and exciting ways to enhance your development experience!

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