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Discussion on: A Simple Trick to Boost Performance of Async Code in C#

sergioluis profile image

Why do you need to call await Task.WhenAll(...);? Doesn't a task start running even before the async method returns the Task<TResult> that represents said task?

Considering that to be true, Task.WhenAll is now irrelevant and can be removed.

var profilePictureTask = GetProfilePicture(profile.UserId);
var instagramDetailsTask = GetInstagramDetailsAsync(profile.InstagramId);
var (...);

// No "await Task.WhenAll" here

profile.ProfilePicture = await profilePictureTask;
profile.InstagramDetails = await instagramDetailsTask;
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Now you can start awaiting on the tasks one by one immediately - the time to completion would be the time that takes the slowest of the tasks to complete (plus the irrelevant overhead of the rest of the operations - awaiting the tasks, asigning the results...).

andreasjakof profile image
Andreas Jakof

My thoughts as well.
Just start the tasks and store them in a variable. await them later, when you definitly need the results.
Much easier to read, in my opinion.

davidkroell profile image
David Kröll

Yes, you are absolutely right. Thank you for your Feedback.

In this case there is no difference. The only thing which would make a difference is, that you could ensure that after awaiting the Task.WhenAll, all supplied tasks are completed as well and you can get the results with the property Result instead of awaiting them again.

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andreasjakof profile image
Andreas Jakof

And this is also the Performance gain, you could have, when calling and awaiting them individually. Only the tasks, which give some imideatly needed results, need to be finished, potentially giving longer running tasks more time to finish, while already working with some results, that are needed in an earlier step.

In the making breakfast example this would be boiling an egg starting in cold water (6:30 min) and toasting a bread (2:00 min) butter it (0:30 min) and adding some Jam (0:30 min).

You start the egg and the toasting at the same time. In your case, you await both, which means you start buttering the toast, after the egg is finished. You could use .ContinueWith(…), but that is another approach alltogether.

If you know that (like in our case) the egg will always take longer than the other tasks together, you could

  • start the egg and „keep track“ by storing it in a variable.
  • toast and immediately await it
  • butter + await and Jam + await
  • await the egg. => 6:30 min instead of 7:30 min

You could also (and this case is a perfekt example for it)

  • start the egg and store the task
  • start toast - continuewith butter - continuewith jam and store the task
  • await both (Task.WhenAll or individually) => 6:30 min as well
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davidkroell profile image
David Kröll

Yes thats true if you can determine the runtimes that exact this would be a neat option.

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andreasjakof profile image
Andreas Jakof

Therefore the last option with ContinueWith is the better (best?) solution. Even if you don‘t know the runtimes exacty. It makes sure, run the tasks in parallel, that can while also making Visual, that these tasks (toast, butter, jam) are in sequence.

Nevertheless it is usually enough to know that A takes longer than B to start them in the „right“ order.