DEV Community

Discussion on: Redesigning My Portfolio Site

sethbergman profile image
Seth Bergman

Hey Ryan 👋

I see that you're using netlify to deploy your websites. I was just wondering if there is more code that you use to do deployments, or are the GitHub projects all HTML and CSS? I'd love to see how you deploy your projects!

I personally use Dokku to host my web apps, which is like having a self hosted mini-heroku.

Here's an example of one of my web apps. I hope that I can help with anything you need. Thanks for the post, keep up the great work! 🤝

ryandotfurrer profile image
Ryan Furrer

Hey Seth!

I currently have one other complete project on Netlify, ezToggle. It's a simple little theme switcher I built using CSS Variables and Vanilla JS. I'll have more JS projects (as well as React) coming up in the near future!

I've not herad of Dokku but I'll look into it! I really like Netlify as it's extremely easy to get up and running, there's the continuous deployment from the connected GitHub repo, and they even offer (again very easy) form submission!

Your adopt-a-pet looks and works great, nice work!
Thanks for reading :)