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10 Ways to Speed Up React Development

Sam Winter on November 16, 2020

As much as I love writing React applications, I'd prefer not to. I'd rather have finished hours ago so I can spend time either on a beach outside m...
ricardo profile image
Ricardo Luz

OMG that's an amazing article with tons of useful things, I'm very happy to notice that I am already using some of these stuffs but even happier to see other cool things that I never gave a try before, thanks for writing!

sewinter profile image
Sam Winter

You’re very welcome! :)

galelmalah profile image
Gal Elmalah

Thanks for mentioning Scaffolder
Glad you liked it :)

shadowtime2000 profile image

If you actually have a site, then use a framework such as NextJS (my favorite too) Gatsby or Remix. Apps don't really require that and you could just use create-react-app.

sewinter profile image
Sam Winter

Agreed, there are certainly cases where a framework is overkill.

eecolor profile image

If you are using ESLint, it can become tricky to keep it in sync with Prettier. We abandoned Prettier in favor of 'autofix on save' in VSCode. This gives us:

  • the freedom to define other rules than Prettier
  • one set of rules instead of 2
  • most of the benefits of Prettier
sewinter profile image
Sam Winter

I haven’t tried that yet but will check it out. Thank you for suggesting!

meeroslav profile image
Miroslav Jonas

I'm only missing TypeScript here. That alone speeds up development tremendously.

nescalan profile image
Nelson González Escalante

This article blow my mind. Thanks for this information

leesmith profile image
Lee Smith 🍻

What do you prefer if not React apps?

yoannfleurydev profile image
Yoann Fleury

For forms, I also recommend Formiz as it is really simple to use and have multiple steps built in. 🙂

sewinter profile image
Sam Winter

Ah, that looks like a great library!