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Aim-based experiment tracker for spaCy

Hi all, excited to share with you aim-spaCy! ๐ŸŽ‰

It's an Aim plugin for spaCy that automatically logs the spaCy metrics and displaCy visualizations as images.
Both on training and evaluation.

Aim has a powerful Images Explorer that allows to compare 1000s of tracked images in-depth.
aim-spaCy will allow to seamlessly compare 1000s of displaCy visualizations at once with a few clicks. ๐Ÿ™Œ

A use-case example

In the gif below, we have tracked 100+ displaCy Dependency Tree and NER visualizations for one spaCy inference run.
With 2 clicks we can compare two visualizations of the same sentence at each step:

  • group by record.step
  • stack by the last grouping param (the step)
  • [Bonus] you can compare across 100s of runs too

Basically this will allow to find where and why (thanks to displaCy magic) models misbehave / underperform.

aim-spaCy usage example

Other perks

  • Free, self-hosted and open-source
  • Easy to embed in your jupyter notebook
  • Compare 1000s of high-dimensional experiments (100s of metrics, images, text tracked per experiment)


Would love your feedback on aim-spaCy. What else would you like us to add to the project?

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