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At first, It makes no sense what I write about OpenWISP. I first time hearing the name of the organization. But after reading a for a time. I am able to write this.

What is OpenWISP?

OpenWISP is an open-source organization that allows creating low-cost networks. The main goal of this project is to give users around the world easy to use tools so that they can build their own local area networks/internet infrastructure with the hope of bridging geographically distant and low-income areas to the rest of the world.


OpenWISP started when Rome province decides to provide free access to roughly 120 cities. This gave birth to innovative architecture named OpenWISP. This architecture continues to grow and today we have OpenWISP2. Since then many big organizations are using OpeWISP for their wifi networks.


Goals and Values:
The goal of OpenWISP is to provide open-source tools to create public networks.
Communication through electronic means is a human right. OpenWISP aims to extend the internet to the people of the world which are living without it.
Net Neutrality. OpenWISP encourages open internet therefore the first network they create no one has special privileges.

OpenWISP is an opensource organization so it encourages developers to contribute to the project. It has gitter channel, google group where you can ask questions. The community support is great. Since OpenWISP is open-source, you can write your custom extensions and modify OpenWISP2’s code to your liking. It’s fully customizable, and many people (including me!) contribute to it by adding features, fixing bugs, etc. I’m joining OpenWISP for Google Code-In.

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