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Day 2 again

I successfully created a CloudFront distribution with the origin being a S3 static website and an SSL certificate. For some reason yesterday, I could not add my Amazon CA domain to the CloudFront distribution.

I created a S3 static website (public settings enabled) reachable by the Object URL. I then created a CloudFront distribution with the S3 bucket as the origin domain and an Amazon issued SSL certificate. No issues as I am able to reach the distribution through the distribution domain name. Next, I wanted to add a domain (Amazon is the CA and I have a hosted zone) to the distribution, but yesterday it did not work (maybe it was the issues in us-east-1).

I added a alternate domain name in the distribution with the website domain name and created an alias in Route 53 pointing the record name to the distribution domain name. But it did not work.

Tried recreating the alias again today, and voila! My domain worked!

On to the next step, connecting my DynamoDB to my JavaScript to store the information about visitors.

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