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Shetal Devi
Shetal Devi

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What are the Eight rules to keep in mind to convert manual test cases into automated tests

A Automation Testing is really a product engineer. In this manner, the essential thing you ought to learn first is some sort of a programming language that supports Item Situated techniques. Out of the normal dialects in the mechanization field, it's worth focusing on Java and Python which are additionally viewed as simpler to learn. Furthermore, Automation Testings likewise write in C#, JavaScript and some additionally write in Ruby. For more details from the top industry experts, You can even check in-depth and Upskill yourself test automation strategies,methodology and its concepts from Automation testing course.

Eight rules to keep in mind are:-

  1. Identify test cases that are repetitive and time-consuming to execute manually. These are ideal candidates for automation.
  2. Ensure that the test cases are well-defined and have clear expected outcomes. Automated tests need clear success criteria to determine whether the test has passed or failed.
  3. Break down complex test cases into smaller, more manageable parts. Automated tests work best when they are focused on specific functionality or use cases.
  4. Use descriptive and meaningful names for your automated test cases. This will make it easier to understand the purpose of each test case.
  5. Keep your test cases modular and reusable. This will help reduce the time and effort required to create and maintain your automated test suite.
  6. Consider the user interface when automating test cases. Automation tools are good at interacting with elements on a screen, but they may struggle with more complex interfaces.
  7. Use version control to manage your test scripts. This will help ensure that you can track changes over time and roll back to previous versions if necessary.
  8. Always perform a trial run before fully automating your test cases. This will help you identify any potential issues and refine your test scripts before you invest more time and resources in automation.

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