DEV Community

Shubham Kharche
Shubham Kharche

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πŸ”πŸš€ Logging Users & iAdmin In: A Journey Through Async Functions

In the world of web development, user authentication is paramount. Whether you're building a simple blog or a complex e-commerce platform, ensuring secure access for users is non-negotiable. Let's embark on a journey through a JavaScript function responsible for handling user logins, sprinkled with some emojis for flavor!

This function is triggered when a user submits a login form. It first prevents the default form submission behavior to handle the login process programmatically. Depending on whether the user is an admin or not, it constructs the appropriate endpoint to communicate with the backend.

Using axios, a popular HTTP client for JavaScript, it sends a POST request to the backend with the user's credentials. Upon a successful response, it stores the received access token and role in the browser's local storage for future use. It also sets the customer ID if needed.

After storing necessary data, it redirects the user to the appropriate page based on their role using the navigate function. Finally, it notifies the user of the outcome via a toast message, providing a seamless and user-friendly login experience.

So, the next time you're building a login functionality for your web application, remember this function – a trusty companion in the quest for secure user authentication! πŸ›‘οΈβœ¨
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