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Some cool JavaScript Shorthand that will make your code cleaner than your peer's

Shubhra Agarwal on August 16, 2021

Here are 7 JavaScript shorthands that you as a JavaScript developer should know because who doesn't like shorter and cleaner code ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ...
elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks

who doesn't like shorter [...] code

The next person who has to look at it. Shorter is only better when it makes the code simpler and better to understand.

tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

+1, I'm not sure the author has the same definition of cleaner than me.

vitiok78 profile image
Victor Cozhuhari

I think if you are reviewing the code and stopping at this shorthand for a few seconds to figure out what it is doing then it is already bad. Because if you'll debug such a shorthand fest in the future you will curse that "smart" developer...

vitiok78 profile image
Victor Cozhuhari

Nested ternary operator is a pure evil. Just. Don't. Use. It. Never.
Thank me later.

haaxor1689 profile image
Maroš Beťko

I've never seen any problem at all with using nested ternary operators especially in React component code. Just set up your eslint right and it will consistently format it for you. With nested ternaries you have 2 cases:

  1. Tree-like nesting:
  ? cond2 // if
    ? opt1 // if
    : opt2
  : opt3
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  1. chained nesting:
cond1 // if
  ? opt1
  : cond2 // else if
  ? opt2
  : opt3 // else
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It's not that complicated.

vitiok78 profile image
Victor Cozhuhari

It's even worse because it's tricky and uncommon.
"If" "else" are more straightforward.
But I consider using "else" as a bad practice because it complicates the logic in readability context.
Break this logic into the smaller functions or methods and use early return inside those functions instead of "else". And the code will be clean, readable and easily refactored. The person who will work with it later will thank you a lot.

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haaxor1689 profile image
Maroš Beťko

Saying tricky and uncommon is pretty subjective. From my subjective point of view in codebases of our projects at work it's nothing unusual to find ternary operators and no one is complaining.
As I've said it's especially useful in React code since you can't write if statements there. Let's say you want to conditionally show some data that is fetched asynchronously.

    {response.isLoading ? (
    ) : response.isError ? (
    ) : (
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And this is pretty common example I would say. Other option would be to use && operators.

    {response.isLoading &&
    {response.isError &&
    {!response.isLoading && !response.isError &&
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And another option would be to make some helper methods or nested component so you can use the if/else statements there.

Personally, I prefer the first option. It's the most scale-able since if you want to add a condition you don't have to update the last one and it's the least overhead.

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vitiok78 profile image

It is exactly one of the many reasons why I prefer Vue over React. That ugly JSX mess that mixes JavaScript logic and kinda HTML markup is awful. Separate template engine is always better. Other languages figured it out long time ago. Even in PHP they prefer to use Twig rather than mixed mess.


    <div v-if="response.isLoading">Loading...</div>
    <div v-else-if="response.isError">{{ response.error.message }}</div>
    <div v-else>{{ }}</div>
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P.S. BTW else-if and else look natural and clean in template but they are bad inside JavaScript code at the same time

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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

JSX is an abomination - makes me want to vomit every time I see it 🤮

shubhracodes profile image
Shubhra Agarwal

Wow, That is a beautiful explanation.

Thanks for explaining it so easily

drewerd15 profile image

Agreed nested ternary just looks gross. I don't even really like multi line ternerys. Use a switch or an if else

shahilalit profile image
ShahiLalit • Edited

Totally agree here, please don't use ternary operator if it's going to have 2 levels. Next de will have to give more time to understand it. Just use, if else.. no harm in that..

But that being said, a great article bro. Few shortcodes are really helpful.👍

shubhracodes profile image
Shubhra Agarwal


whynotgithub profile image


haaxor1689 profile image
Maroš Beťko

Almost all of these I use pretty regularly and feel like every modern codebase should use them.
Here are some additional shorthands I use:

Range 1,2,3...n:

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Remove key from object:

const { key: _, obj } = object;
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Swap array items:

[arr[x], arr[y]] = [arr[y], arr[x]]
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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited
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Gives you a range 0 to n-1. For a range 1 to n, you could use:

// This (much faster)...

// Or maybe this (shorter but slower)...
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shubhracodes profile image
Shubhra Agarwal

Thank you for sharing this. I'm saving this comment for future reference

matt profile image
Matt seymour

I cannot help but think the author has confused "clean code" with shortest code.

If anyone on my team wrote the "tenary example" I would give them a serious talking too. Why?
Code is generally written once and read many times. The focus should never be on the shortest code you can write but instead on the most readable code you can write. Even if that means the code is 20% longer than a shorter solution.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

'Readable' is purely subjective - depends upon the "reading level" of the reader. That said, nested conditional operators are not great

micahlt profile image
Micah Lindley

Some of these are really good! Thanks for sharing!

shubhracodes profile image
Shubhra Agarwal

Thanks :)

I'm glad you liked it

midblep profile image

The short circuit is a very useful shorthand that has many practical uses and isn't too hard to read. Thanks for teaching me it, I use this stuff so much.

shubhracodes profile image
Shubhra Agarwal

I'm glad you liked it🧡

naru profile image
Anton Narusberg

Shorter is not always easier to read. For example, nested ternaries are always a fun puzzle for the next person.

hellobexnewton profile image
Bex Newton

This is great. Thanks for sharing!