The common way of doing that is to use multi-stage build. Go is a compiled language. You don't need Go toolchain to run your services. So the general concept is the following: you build the binary in one stage and use another minimal image to launch it.
Here is an example:
FROM golang:1.15 as builder
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download
COPY . .
RUN go build
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /app/server /server
ENTRYPOINT ["/server"]
It bring the huge difference. The latest "golang" image is about 800 Mb (it's based on Debian). The final image of your service can be just 5-10 Mb.
The common way of doing that is to use multi-stage build. Go is a compiled language. You don't need Go toolchain to run your services. So the general concept is the following: you build the binary in one stage and use another minimal image to launch it.
Here is an example:
It bring the huge difference. The latest "golang" image is about 800 Mb (it's based on Debian). The final image of your service can be just 5-10 Mb.
I was about to explain that, But I accidentally published the post instead of saving to draft; I just saw it today