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How to Sign Drivers Through WINDOWS HLK?

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Drivers who are planning to sign Windows HLK (Hardware Lab Kit) through this process do go through some procedures to check that the driver meets what we describe as Microsoft’s standards of stability, dependability, and security.

Here’s a detailed explanation:

Step 1: Driver Development
Before signing any driver, this would be done by following Microsoft’s samples and guidelines. This covers the writing of the code, its compilation, and the checking of its correct functioning.

Step 2: Driver Testing
The driver has to pass rigorous testing to ensure that it functions correctly; under such circumstances, it should be properly assured that it won’t result in system instability or security hazards. A full suite of testing supported by functional testing, stress testing, performance testing, and compatibility testing on the hardware configuration mix is the core of the test service.

Step 3: Windows HLK Setup
The first thing you should do is to install and set up the Windows HLK environment. The LKH allows different components and drivers to acquire validation for the Windows device user mode so that the incompatibility issue can be fixed.

It involves HLK Studio controlling aspects of tests and HLK Controller arranging test sessions.

Step 4: Driver Package Creation
Replace the real driver with one in the form that is compatible with the HLK testing environment. Usually, a developer will produce an INF file listing all files and the required dependencies.

Step 5: Submission to HLK Studio
Introduce the driver package to an HLK Studio. Thus, you are able to choose the best tests that will be done on the driver.

Step 6: Running Tests
Configure and start the test list using the test plan in the HLK Controller. This kind of testing is usually done at the second level after it has been ensured that the drivers are installed, the device works as expected, power management is fine, and the device works well with Windows features.

Step 7: Reviewing Results
After the tests are finally done, you should go through the test results to find any problems or failures. Error resolving through debugging and, as required, adding up additional requirements to the driver file.

Step 8: Re-testing
Once we fix those problems, let’s re-run the tests to make sure the driver now passes all required tests.

Step 9: Submission to Microsoft
Subsequently, a driver operator who has successfully completed all tests can apply the script to Microsoft for standardization. This involves installing the driver packages, the test results, and the log files to the Windows Hardware Dev Center portal.

Step 10: Signing Process
Microsoft reviews the submission, and if everything is in order, the company issues a digital certificate to the driver. Owing to having passed the test and being verified by Microsoft as compatible with Windows, this is a certificate for them.

Step 11: Distribution
After the protocol is completed, it can be passed on to the customers via different means, including the Windows update channel, the OEM installation packages, and user-initiated downloads from the vendor’s website.

Windows HLK endorsement to the drivers verifies that they satisfy Microsoft’s requirement for quality and compatibility, thus the users can be assured of a dependable and secure computing environment.

Preparation Steps

Preparing a driver for signing through Windows HLK involves several detailed steps:

  • Review Driver Development Guidelines: Look at the guidelines and the best practices for driver development that Microsoft provides before you start. This way, the application’s code follows Microsoft’s well-known stability, reliability, and security standards.
  • Code Implementation: Produce source code based on the hardware specifications it supports. Test inputs and make sure no exceptions occur. This covers the software part that deals with device communication, management of resources, and implementation of necessary features.
  • Compile the Driver: Translate driver code from the source file into an executable binary. Make correct compiler settings and do not have any compilation error/warning therein.
  • Create Driver Package (INF File): The driver can be deployed through an installation package, often created using an Info-solution (. INF) file. INF file is a file nest that holds information about the driver, including its name, version, devices it supports, and manner of installation.
  • Include Digital Signature Information: IF the driver is intended for distribution and installation on the Windows system. ADD in taking into consideration that the INF file includes a digital signature. This is a list of characteristics, such as the digital certificate used to sign the driver.
  • Test the Driver Locally: Before putting the driver through HLK testing, test it on numerous local platforms and configuration topologies. This directs to tell whether the project contains any bugs or near-compatibility issues at initial development.
  • Prepare Driver Documentation: Develop the driver’s documentation, release notes, installation instructions, and troubleshooting guides. Using thorough and precise documentation will leave no student confused about installing and using the driver to the fullest.
  • Setup HLK Environment: Create the operating system for the test system using Windows HLK on a specific test machine. Here’s a step-by-step installation of the HLK Studio (for test overseeing) and the HLK Controller (for controlling the test executions).
  • Package the Driver for HLK: Put the driver in a format acceptable to the HLK testing environment. The process entails creating a separate package that contains the driver binary, INF file, and the dependencies needed most of the time.
  • Import Driver into HLK Studio: Use “Import driver file” in HLK Studio for package import. This allows you to choose the tests that best suit the driver and control the testing process.
  • Review HLK Test Requirements: Refer to Microsoft’s test instructions and guidelines specific to the test type being taken. Such an approach is aimed to guarantee that the driver undergoes necessary tests that can help to prove that it can be run on Windows.
  • Plan Test Runs: Design test runs according to the chosen tests and the time you have for testing. Include the basic and more profound tests to check its entirety.

Running the Tests

Testing on Windows HLK involves several phases, including selecting the relevant tests (e. g. UX, crash, stress), then analyzing the results. Here’s a detailed explanation with an example:

  • Test Selection: In the HLK Studio, you can choose the tests you want to conduct on your driver. Tests are divided regarding functionality, compatibility, and other criteria. For illustration, a driver of the display class would commit tests from the field, such as display handling and resolution and performance measurement.
  • Test Configuration: Set up the test settings, such as the target system configuration and other parameters needed in the tests. To illustrate, one of the components can be the hardware platform of machines used, the version of operating systems, and the testing environment employed. g. cloud service can be run on the top of the application logic layer (application layer like virtual machines or physical hardware).
  • Test Execution: Start the test run by using the HLK Controller. As a result, a special-purpose program or batch file executes the group of identified tests on the target system(s). The Controller conveys with the target systems to push the driver, execute the testing, and pull results.
  • Monitoring Progress: Check the results of the test run in the HLK Studio. You will be able to follow the status of every test as it runs in the background, have the opportunity to view the logs and diagnostics, and, if there is any problem or failure during that time, hence get to identify the issues very easily.
  • Troubleshooting: If any tests stop or you have difficulties with them, you must recheck the root cause of the problem by examining the test logs, diagnostic output, and system event logs. In this case, you should look for error messages, check the system configurations, and debug the driver code.
  • Re-running Tests: As soon as any failure of the tests is rectified, run those failed tests again or the whole test suite to verify corrective measures and to ensure that the driver acquires a green signal from all the necessary tests.
  • Reviewing Results: Once the pre-test run is done, please look up the test results on the HLK Studio interface. This will be done by checking the pass/fail status, the detailed test logs, and where the driver can improve or test more.
  • Generating Test Reports: Create testimonial reports covering test outcomes, e.g. pass rates, the failure details, and any suggestions for the driver’s betterment. These reports are a means of operationalization where the driver could describe the testing process and communicate the Windows compatibility requirements he/she has fulfilled.


For instance, the driver being tested is a network adapter with HLK Windows. You’ve picked up tests that pertain to network connectivity, performance, and compatibility with different network configurations.

– Here, HLK Studio configures the test settings for you, entering the VM name, which runs on Windows 10 with a specific amount of virtualization resources allocated for the respective tests on this system.

– You kick off the testing run in the HLK (Hawk Loader Kit) Controller, and it will be deployed onto the target system, with test configurations chosen to execute from the selection.

– As the tests run, you keep an eye on the progress in HLK Studio; you look at the test status and the log output for each test.

– Supposing that some of the tests have failed, you first trace the cause of the problem, searching the test logs, system configurations, and the driver code for debugging purposes.

– Once the problem is resolved, you must rerun the failed tests to verify that the fixes were sufficient and that the software has passed all necessary tests.

– At last, you examine the test results in HLK Studio, prepare a test report that summarizes the results, and prepare the driver for submission to Microsoft for signing.

Using this method, the driver is rejected, validated, and finally launched on the Windows platform after the process is completed, which makes the driver able to cope well with Windows systems.

Submitting the Result Package

The process of submitting the result package is the preparation and uploading of the test results, accompanied by any other needed information, to the Windows Hardware Dev Center portal.

  • Export Test Results: From HLK Studio, release the test reports in a format that can be put in for submission only. Usually, the job involves generating test reports or exporting test results in a standardized form using XML format.
  • Prepare Submission Package: Produce a submission package including the exported test results and other necessary documentation or information, including the driver package, INF file information, the digital certificate, and any additional files Microsoft would like to get.
  • Access Windows Hardware Dev Center: Sign in to the Windows Hardware Dev Center with your Microsoft account credentials to proceed. If you don’t have an account, you must create one to access the submission portal.
  • Navigate to the Submission Section: After successfully logging in, browse the submission section of the portal. This is a forum where you can raise such issues as drivers and related materials for signing. This is where we certify what you’ve raised.
  • Initiate Submission Process: The submission process begins with the driver’s information, which includes the name, version, supported devices, and any other relevant details. This enables MS to classify & treat the submission as required.
  • Upload Submission Package: Submit the submission file comprising test results and other requisites using the specified link. According to the instructions given in the portal, all the required files should be included and uploaded in the right manner.
  • Review and Confirm Submission: Review the submission information for accuracy and claimed requirements. Verify that you’ve uploaded everything needed and that your information is complete and accurate.
  • Submit for Review: The careful completion of the submission package to the satisfaction you may call on Microsoft to review them. This starts the review process, during which Microsoft will analyze the driver and the associated documents for compliance with Windows compatibility requirements.
  • Monitor Submission Status: Verify the group submission status on the Windows Dev Center portal. You might be made aware of the submission status via messages or updates, such as the additional information asked or an update on the review process.
  • Address Feedback: Microsoft will certainly notice any defects or ask for more details during the review process. You should handle these as soon as possible to speed up the review and certification process.
  • Certification and Signing: Upon the passing of review and if all requirements are met, Microsoft will write a signature on the digital certificate. After downloading the package, you are offered this, meaning the driver was verified and proven to be friendly with Windows(VCW).
  • Distribution: Upon certification and signature, the driver will be sent to end-users through different channels like Windows Update, OEM installation packages, or downloading it from the manufacturer’s website.


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