DEV Community

Discussion on: Searching Contributors (Hacktoberfest) / Open Source project (SirixDB) / building a Vue.js and D3.js frontend

simonholdorf profile image
Simon Holdorf

Hey, I'd be in for Vue. Any issues for frontend in particular?

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

Wow, yeah, I'm a backend engineer but would love to learn some frontend stuff. As of now we just have a plain simple table displaying the history metadata of a resource (and even only Metadata). Just started the project on saturday I guess.

I've added some issues to the repository, but should have moved them to the new repository.

I think first we'd need a way to upload a directory of either XML or JSON files to SirixDB (thus that it can build a database and create resources therein -- importing and shredding the stuff into a binary tree-structure).

Then we'd probably need a tree to display the databases and underneath the resources stored underneath.

I think the contents of the resources (either JSON or XML documents) then need to be displayed in another table where you can also insert nodes and commit the data back to SirixDB.

However the most interesting parts will be the comparison of revisions of resources stored in SirixDB (for that we can use a tree-diffing algorithm which is already implemented).

So I envision two pretty printed resources, maybe loaded on demand side by side (as they in theory can be Gigabytes of data), as you scroll down. And then a way to display the differences from the diffs you get from the REST-API :-)