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Hello again, I am not taking so much time off this time

Hi darlings

So, today I continued working on my photogram project, and although I didn't have much time to study, I learned a few valuable things that I think will make my work as a developer easier (given that they become easy at some point, of course)

So today I saw new ways to encourage myself to code in a more DRY way: scopes and enums.

Scopes are kind of a way to label specific things in my database so that I can retrieve them easier in the future

And enums let you define an Array of values for an attribute and refer to them by name

I am sure I could explain better but I think I need more practice to give a more profound explanation. but basically both will help us save time by not writing and writing code, is like we will have access to these values because we will put a name on them

I'll continue tomorrow cause I am SLEEPy


Yours truly


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