In the past three weeks of building my capstone project for a software engineering boot camp I'm close to graduating from, I came upon an issue(one of many). Every day I needed to fetch a prompt from my rails backend based on what date that prompt instance has. In this Dev-Blog, I'll show you what I came up with. I'm sure there's a better way, but this is mine.
Note: I'm using a JS react frontend and a ruby on rails backend
Let's start with the backend. First set up your resources.
rails g resource Prompt title date:date
make sure to use a date table when generating them. Once that's finished you can go ahead and migrate.
rails db:migrate
Okay cool, now let's look in the Prompt controller. You should have something like this.
class PromptsController < ApplicationController
Before we forgot to go into the config file and down somewhere near the bottom should be a routes.rb file. Go ahead and add a new route to it, name it whatever you want, I'm going to name it...
get '/prompts/:date', to: 'prompts#show_prompt_by_date'
Now, let's go ahead and make the method for grabbing the data by the date.
class PromptsController < ApplicationController
def show_prompt_by_date
#grabbing the specific prompt using the params
prompt = Prompt.find_by(date: params[:date])
#rendering/error handling
if prompt
render json: prompt, status: :ok
render json: { errors: ["Prompt not found"] }, status: :not_found
#being safe
def prompt_params
If you're using sterilizers go ahead and add date and whatever other table you want to show up in front of the attributes.
class PromptSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :title, :date
If you aren't then when you render the prompt render it with includes.
render json: prompt, include[:title, :date, status: :ok
After all that lets add some seed data
Prompt.create!(title: "July, 15th, 2020", date: 7152022)
Prompt.create!(title: "March, 9th, 2020", date: 392022)
Prompt.create!(title: "March, 10th, 2020", date: 3102022)
puts "done seeding"
Now go ahead and seed!
rails db:seed
That's it for the backend!
Now for the frontend.
First in whatever component you want to fetch the data in you'll need to set up a few things, I'll be using the hooks useState(for grabbing state) and useEffect(for fetching whenever window is loaded). Let's import that and also get and format the current date.
import React, { useState, useEffetc } from "react";
function App(){
//setting up our useState for assigning a prompt
const [prompt, setPrompt] = useState([])
//grabs the current date/time
const currentDate = new Date();
//formatting our date for fetching
const date = `${current.getMonth()+1}${current.getDate()}${current.getFullYear()}`;
<div>nothing here yet</div>
export default App;
Now all that is left to do is set up our useEffect/fetch and do something with the fetched data.
useEffect(() => {
//your url might be different, such as: http://localhost:4000/prompts/${date}
.then((r) => r.json())
.then(data => {
}, [date]);
//doing something with the data
return (
<div>{prompt.title} : {}</div>
That's pretty much it, run your backend with rails start
and your front with npm start
. Hopefully, this was helpful, thank you for reading.
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