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K. Siva Prasad Reddy
K. Siva Prasad Reddy

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Testing REST APIs using Postman and Newman

Postman is the most popular tool for testing REST APIs.
I guess most of the developers are familiar with how to use Postman to send various types (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc) of HTTP requests
with various types of payloads (form data, JSON etc).

In addition to triggering one API request and verifying the response, I frequently come across some common needs like

  • Call an API and assert response
  • Parameterize variables based on the environment
  • Trigger a series of API calls to simulate some user flow
  • Trigger one API request with different inputs and assert expected response
  • Load test by simulating load on the server by firing a series of requests repeatedly with a certain delay
  • Run Postman collection to do Smoke Test from Build Pipeline

As I am already using Postman to test my REST APIs, I thought of exploring if I can do all these tasks using Postman itself and it turns out I can.

So, I wanted to share a few Postman tips I learned.

I am using Postman to test my REST API implemented using SpringBoot and secured with Spring Security JWT based authentication.
You can find the source code of this article at

The Postman collection files are at

While searching for is there a way to run postman collection programmatically
I come across Newman
which is a command-line Collection Runner for Postman. Newman is built on NodeJS and we can install it globally to use it.

$ npm install -g newman
$ newman run mycollection.json

Or we can use Newman npm package as a library as mentioned here

Ok, enough talk. Lets get to the business.

First, open Postman and create a new collection, say "todolist-api".

1. Call an API and assert response

We want to make a call to SpringBoot Actuator Health endpoint and verify the HTTP Status Code and assert status is UP.

Add a new request with URL http://localhost:8080/actuator/health with GET method.
In the Headers tab add Content-Type header with application/json value.

In Tests tab add the following code:

pm.test("Check Application Health", function () {;
    var jsonData = pm.response.json();

Here we are using Postman API to retrieve the response and verify the HTTP status code to be 200.
Also, the expected JSON response from /actuator/health request is to have {"status": "UP"}.
So we are asserting whether the JSON response field status is equal to UP.

We can just hit Send button and see the Response body and you can also see in Test Results tab that test is passed.

We can also run all the Requests (I know we have only one right now) by clicking on the Play button next to Collection name and Run.
It will open up the collection runner window and show all the tests available to run.
We can Select/Deselect requests and click on Run button to run the tests.

Running Postman collection using Newman

In Postman click on 3 dots next to Collection name and export the Collection as a json file.
Let's say the collection json file name is todolist.postman_collection.json.

We can run the collection using Newman as follows:

$ newman run todolist.postman_collection.json

You can see various options you can pass to newman

2. Trigger a series of API calls to simulate some user flow

Next, my requirement is user should be able to create a new Todo, update the newly created Todo and finally delete that Todo.
Even before doing all these users should be authenticated.
As we are using JWT based authentication, upon successful login user will get an access_token and
for each subsequent request user should send access_token as a Header.

Also, we need to capture the ID of newly created Todo, which is Auto generated primary key in DB,
and use that ID for update todo and delete todo requests.

Now, add a new Request named login with URL http://localhost:8080/api/auth/login and POST method with following JSON Payload:

    "username": "",
    "password": "admin"

If you hit Send button you can see the response as follows:

    "access_token": "some long sequence of alphanumeric chars",
    "expires_in": 604800

Postman Collection

We want to capture this access_token and pass it in the subsequent request.
In order to do this, we need to run the requests in an environment so that we can set some variables in one request and reference them in further requests.

In Postman on the top right corner there is Environment dropdown, click on the gear icon and add a new environment called todo-local-env.

Now add the following code snippet in Tests tab of login request:

pm.test("Authenticate user", function () {;
    var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
    postman.setEnvironmentVariable("TodoApiAccessToken", jsonData.access_token);

We are verifying whether the request is successful or not and setting the TodoApiAccessToken variable in the selected environment.

Now if you trigger the login request and see todo-local-env, you can find TodoApiAccessToken variable with the access_token value.

Postman Environment Variables

Now, create another request named create-todo with URL http://localhost:8080/api/todos and POST method with following JSON payload:

    "text": "Write a new blog post"

In Headers tab add the Header with key Authorization and value as Bearer {{TodoApiAccessToken}}.
Here we are referring to the environment variable value using {{variable_name}} syntax.

In Tests tab add the following snippet:

pm.test("Create New Todo", function () {;
    var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);

Here we are capturing the new Todo's id value and setting environment variable todo_id.

Next, add the update-todo Request with URL http://localhost:8080/api/todos/{{todo_id}} and PUT method with following JSON payload:

    "text": "Write a new blog post - updated"

We can add following snippet in update-todo request Tests tab:

pm.test("Update Existing Todo", function () {;

Finally, we can add delete-todo-by-id request with URL http://localhost:8080/api/todos/{{todo_id}} and DELETE method.
add following snippet in delete-todo-by-id request Tests tab:

pm.test("Delete Todo by Id", function () {;

Now we can run the entire collection as mentioned earlier which will
run all the requests in the order they appear in collection.

IMPORTANT: We should select the environment, todo-local-env in our case, to get the environment variables sharing to work.

Running collection using Newman with environment

In order to run the collection using newman we need to export the collection and also our environment as well.

Click on Manage Environments gear icon on the top right corner and click on Download Environment icon for todo-local-env which will be downloaded as a json file.

Lets name it as todo-local-env.postman_environment.json.

$ newman run todolist.postman_collection.json -e todo-local-env.postman_environment.json

Organizing user flows

We have created multiple requests (login, create-todo, update-todo, delete-todo) and run the collection as a single flow.
But in our real applications, there will be many different users flows with different behavior.

We can create folders within our collection representing the logical user flow and place the appropriate requests in that folder.

Then, we can run the requests of a specific directory using newman as follows:

$ newman run todolist.postman_collection.json -e todo-local-env.postman_environment.json --folder todo-crud

3. Parameterize variables based on the environment

So far I am running my application locally and is accessible at http://localhost:8080/.
I could run my application in a docker container that is accessible at http://localhost:18080/.

Now if want to run my postman collection against the docker container instance I need to change base URL for all requests.
Instead of changing the URLs or any environment-specific parameters while switching between environments
we can configure those values in different environments and use those values in request configurations.

Now click on Manage Environments, select todo-local-env and add a variable base_url with value http://localhost:8080.

Now change all the URLs from http://localhost:8080/some-path to {{base_url}}/some-path.

Next create a new environment called todo-docker-env and add variable base_url with value http://localhost:18080.

Now we can simply select the desired environment and run the collection.

4. Trigger API request with different inputs and assert expected responses

We may also need to call an API endpoint with different inputs and verify responses such as perform login
with valid and invalid credentials and assert the expected responses.

We can use data files to pass different inputs so that we don't have to change the request configuration.
We can pass data using JSON or CSV files.

For example, we can pass credentials using CSV file as follows:



The first row is a header with variable names.
We can use the placeholders in URL path or in the body as follows:

    "username": "{{email}}",
    "password": "{{password}}"

In Tests tab we can refer data values using data.variableName as follows:

pm.test("Authenticate user", function () {;
$ newman run todolist.postman_collection.json -e local.postman_environment.json --folder authentication --data todo-credentials.csv

5. Load testing

I was trying to do a simple load testing of my API and I know I can use Gatling to do it.
But I just want a simple and quick solution. Turns out Postman provides that feature as well.

$ newman run todolist.postman_collection.json -e local.postman_environment.json -n 100 --delay-request 500
  • The -n flag represents the number of iterations to run.
  • The --delay-request represents delay (in ms) between requests.

6. Run Postman collection to do Smoke Test from Build Pipeline

We can create a Postman collection to perform smoke test after deploying the application.
We can simply install newman npm package and run the collection in our build pipeline.

You can checkout


As we have seen Postman is a very powerful and awesome tool for developers working with REST APIs.

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