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Day3/100- Exploring cpp and a mini project

Hello everyone,

Day 3 of the coding journey has been quite the ride! 🚀

I began by diving deeper into CPP basics, cementing my understanding of the essentials. However, at a certain point, I found myself yearning for something more hands-on and exciting.

That's when I decided to embark on a mini project—hotel management. I started off by following a tutorial, but you know what? I wasn't satisfied with just stopping there. I kicked it up a notch and made the project more complex and challenging.

As I write this, I'm still at it—working hard to refine and expand my project. It's a reminder that coding isn't just about following a straight path; it's about exploring, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of what we can create.

Remember, embracing those moments of curiosity can lead to some incredible discoveries. So, here's to stepping out of our comfort zones and turning boredom into innovation.

Stay curious,

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