The 12.1 factor approach prefers locality over fully integrated environments. Doing so promotes fast and independent iterations on discrete services using automated tests to verify correctness. End-to-End issues that may have been identified with a fully integrated environment with dev/prod parity should be pushed downstream in the deployment pipeline in accordance with test pyramid principles. If a regression is identified, then it may quickly addressed by adding tests to the relevant service’s test suite.
Topics Mentioned in the Show
- The 5 Ideals
- The Unicorn Project
- Practical Test Pyramid
- Hexagonal Architecture
- Team Topologies
- My Talk at WrocLove.rb 2014 on Software Architecture, Object, Roles, and Boundaries
- Bounded Contexts & Domain Driven Design
- Mastering the Third Way of DevOps use the Toyota Kata for continuous improvement
- Free DevOps Course much more detailed than what we can cover in the podcast
- Products over Projects expand flow, feedback, and learning to the entire organization
- Transcript
- The 12 Factor App
- Jay Kutner on the 12 Factor App via SE Radio
- My Review & Analysis on The DevOps Handbook
- My Review & Analysis on Accelerate
- Software Development in 3 Principles & 4 Metrics
- The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, John Willis, Patrick Debois
- Accelerate by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, Gene Kim