- Connecting to israel server.
ssh username@portugal.cdot.systems // replace username with your username.
- Copy and unpack tarball, which for a windows user like me can be a new experience.
cp /public/filename ~
tar -xvzf filename
- Modify the loop to run until 30 iterations (which took hours for me)
We need more steps to make the division work which makes the code longer and harder to make it work.
My x86_64 code:
.globl _start
min = 0
max = 30
mov $min,%r15
mov $10, %r14
mov $10, %r13
mov %r15,%r13
mov %r15,%r14
mov $10,%r8
movq $len,%rdx
mov $0, %r11
mov %r9, %r12
div %r8
add $'0',%12
movb %r14b,msg+6
add $'0', %11
movb %r13b,msg+7
movq $msg,%rsi
movq $1,%rdi
movq $1,%rax
inc %r15
cmp $max,%r15
jne loop
movq $0,%rdi
movq $60,%rax
.section .data
msg: .ascii "Loop: ##\n"
len = . - msg
The code did not work for me on the portugal server.
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