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Solomon Obedi
Solomon Obedi

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What Learning Web Development Taught Me

About 3 years ago I decided I needed a change. I didn't know what that change was but I felt I needed something different.

As I searched within, I found myself drawn to the world of development. Maybe it was because I saw my friend coding or just because developers just looked like geniuses(and I wanted to be a genius.)

That world just seemed cool. And I thought, "what the heck? Let me try it out. if it isn't for me, well...I can't loose anything at this point."

And so the journey begun. I looked up books on web development and also where I could learn web development for free because... well, who doesn't like free things?

I settled on some few books and I also enrolled in a Coursera online class. The first lessons on HTML gave me hope and confidence as it looked easy to grasp. "This can't be hard right?"

Well, I got my hopes up too early and I was brought down to earth. I reached a point where I just couldn't get or understand anything. "What was happening? Am I going too fast?"

The deeper I went, the more challenging it became. It reached a point where I wanted to quite and pursue something else.

But there was something about web development that kept me there. And I'm glad to say I stayed learning till I finished and got my certificate from Coursera.

The biggest thing I learnt, aside from web development of course, was the will to keep going despite the challenges.
It is so easy to throw in the towel and give up. But pushing on and overcoming the challenges is so rewarding it is hard t explain.

I am so glad I continued this journey.

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